By Cathi Doerzapf Thurek
Cathi Doerzapf Thurek is a most thoughtful patriot, a profound thinker, a talented writer who speaks her mind with no political correctness and one who is committed to supporting and doing what is best for the most Americans, a practice from the past that all should emulate. Alas, such is not the case with too many Americans. She supports President Trump as he works to reestablish America as the model for the world, as she's long been known. 
Editor's note: I hoped and prayed for a 2016 election outcome that would stop what I've written about in this blog as an 8-decades long cultural revolution, a march to perdition, the destruction of traditional America. Donald Trump's election has given us an opportunity to do so. The efforts to undo his election is an effort to maintain the revolution to transform America from the founders' vision to one of the revolutionaries.' The revolution has been referred to as "war" by the WSJ. 
Please read Ms. Thurek's thoughtful write.
It would appear to this reader that the NY Times "op-ed" is confirmation of a coup d'etat in the good ol' USofA. The anonymous author of the op-ed and their fellow "adults in the room" are ruling the people without a mandate from the people, justifying their "patriotism" thru nothing other than blatant, obvious and overt sedition.
Once again, the audacity of The Deep State (if there were any doubt - here you have it) to think they are the judge, jury and executioner of our Republic ..... Comey, Strzok, Ohr, Mueller .... they are clearly all cut from the same cloth. Do they honestly think we are so simple-minded, so dense as to believe this garbage? To believe that this so called "Patriot" has OUR best interests at heart?
The entire Mueller witch-hunt is about to blow wide open - their "insurance policy" to cover the far-reaching and extreme corruption at the highest levels of our government slowly being revealed. This is yet ANOTHER feeble attempt to psy-op "We The People" and distract from the other shoe that is about to drop. The MSM goes out of it's way to NOT "report" the people, findings and ongoing investigations and there are only far too many sheep drinking from the same trough. Further, in perusing the comments at the end of this "patriotic op-ed", the NY Times only allows their "picks" of comments to be published - all praising and thanking this hero. Well, here is my comment:

Dear NY Times, Dear Deep State and Dear Anonymous Resistance:
We are awake. We are not stupid. We are not naive, brainless or unintelligent. We "see" you. We are disgusted by your 24/7 manufactured outrage, manipulation of the facts, selective reporting and ever more over-the-top displays of obstruction and incivility. If you are such a patriot, show yourself, come out of the shadows and face "We The People"; and if not, get the hell out. We will not stop, we will never give up and we will seek to find you, publicly tar and feather you and your comrades then march you through the streets of Washington as proof of what we already know. You are not that important, you are not that enlightened, you are not that powerful. Your behavior is the antithesis of who and what you claim to be! You are a coward, a traitor, a Benedict Arnold far too full of an overinflated sense of importance. The blinders are off - the gig is up - and we are spent.

~ Sincerely, We The People


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