The short answer to why "Progressives," aka Democrats, fight to stop Trump is that his presidency promises to halt their 8-decades long cultural revolution, aka war, to transform America to a lesser nation. More will be written on this in subsequent posts.
While President Trump's policies are succeeding on several fronts, both nationally and internationally, "Progressives," aka Democrats, fight his every initiative, even ponder impeachment. The Trump economic team has rapidly overcome the Obama administration's pathetic economic policies, all of which were antithetical to capital formation, job creation and economic growth. Already 4% quarterly growth has been achieved, and 3.5% annual growth, perhaps more, can be projected confidently. This tops the previous eight years of 2% average annual growth, which Obama, Larry Summers, their sycophantic media and academic economists proclaimed to be a “new normal. "Greater growth would never be achieved again!" Now, Obama and his minions claim credit for the Trump success. So much for Intellectual integrity, None! But, media hype it and Democrats who rely on the propaganda network buy it confirming their bias with no search for truth.
While President Trump's policies are succeeding on several fronts, both nationally and internationally, "Progressives," aka Democrats, fight his every initiative, even ponder impeachment. The Trump economic team has rapidly overcome the Obama administration's pathetic economic policies, all of which were antithetical to capital formation, job creation and economic growth. Already 4% quarterly growth has been achieved, and 3.5% annual growth, perhaps more, can be projected confidently. This tops the previous eight years of 2% average annual growth, which Obama, Larry Summers, their sycophantic media and academic economists proclaimed to be a “new normal. "Greater growth would never be achieved again!" Now, Obama and his minions claim credit for the Trump success. So much for Intellectual integrity, None! But, media hype it and Democrats who rely on the propaganda network buy it confirming their bias with no search for truth.
Internationally, President Trump is making progress where none has
been made for some time, even never. Obama's foreign policies were, contrary to the
hype from the propaganda network, ineffective and even detrimental
to America. "Leading from behind” in N. Africa Obama, James Clapper and Hillary Clinton, supported the so-called “Arab
Spring,” which contrary to reports, supported the Muslim Brotherhood
in Egypt, Libya and Yemen and the radical theocratic ruling Mullahs
in Iran, where Obama did not support the Green Revolution, thereby
leaving 50 million Persians oppressed. Then he gave Iran billions of
dollars – to promote terrorism. Hezbollah, Iran's agents for terrorism, are in many countries, including all of the Americas! Then there is North Korea. Only the
antagonistic media and “Progressive” Democrats, who hope for
failure, can downplay the work Trump and Pompeo are doing there.
Now, “Progressive” Democrats are doing all possible to defeat Trump. His election halted their 8-decades long cultural revolution to transform America from the founders' vision to one of their own -- a lesser nation. Their sexual revolution of the 60s with unlimited abortion in 1973, an industry today, is their crowning “achievement.” Colleges and universities, now with 90% “Progressive” activist faculty, have transformed from sanctuaries for learning to havens for left political activism. Even lower level students are being indoctrinated! Defining tenets of traditional Americanism have been abrogated as has the Rule of Law. Anarchy is encouraged as are violent demonstrations by activists. The DOJ, is corrupted, especially with Obama and AG Holder. Top Intelligence agencies officials are clearly among those corrupted and are also activists for Democrats' agenda to transform America. Societal decadence is profound after 8 decades of "Progressive" cultural revolution. (more in a subsequent post).
Now, “Progressive” Democrats are doing all possible to defeat Trump. His election halted their 8-decades long cultural revolution to transform America from the founders' vision to one of their own -- a lesser nation. Their sexual revolution of the 60s with unlimited abortion in 1973, an industry today, is their crowning “achievement.” Colleges and universities, now with 90% “Progressive” activist faculty, have transformed from sanctuaries for learning to havens for left political activism. Even lower level students are being indoctrinated! Defining tenets of traditional Americanism have been abrogated as has the Rule of Law. Anarchy is encouraged as are violent demonstrations by activists. The DOJ, is corrupted, especially with Obama and AG Holder. Top Intelligence agencies officials are clearly among those corrupted and are also activists for Democrats' agenda to transform America. Societal decadence is profound after 8 decades of "Progressive" cultural revolution. (more in a subsequent post).
The fight to keep Kavanaugh off the SCOTUS is seeking a left-activist court to do the "Progressives"' bidding as has been done since the Warren court and abortion on demand. (More on this in a subsequent post).
Election of a president outside the
bounds of the revolutionaries was absolutely necessary in 2016 to
stop cultural revolution, a march to perdition! Trump is that person, like him or not. He is working to do the job, but the forces against him are formidable, even warlike. For the
sake of our nation, Americans must fight to stop the revolution
by voting in large numbers to defeat the "Progressive" agenda, their cultural revolution to transform America to a lesser nation.
Well said my friend!