Democrats have reached a new low in the Kavanaugh "hearing." How low can they go, how disingenuous can they be? There seems to be no limit now!
The reprehensible behavior by Democrats in the SCOTUS confirmation should make every Trump hater, and every Democrat, in fact, reassess where their loyalty lies. Democrats have devolved to decadent behavior that assaults every honorable classical liberal Democrat of old, the ones I grew up with and respected. My family! Every Democrat should hang his/her head in shame and seek to recover the dignity and decency of your ancestry. I am so angered after the disrespectful and repugnant behavior of Democrats, and their operatives like code pink and other miscreants, in the once-vaunted, hallowed halls of the Senate, that I want to give an ass-kicking to everyone of the low-lifers who show their dishonesty and disrespect as they are doing in the Kavanaugh hearings. You've sunken to the lowest level of humanity. The honorable Harry Truman would disown every one of you and disavow your actions.
These "senators" know, and have announced, that they will not approve Judge Kavanaugh under any circumstances, yet they carry on charades of demanding millions of documents and are grilling Judge Kavanaugh, sometimes disrespectfully and sometimes just stupidly. As I write this, Sen. Klobachar is railing about Republicans being "political" which is doing what Democrats have come to do best -- Project their own actions on others! Projection has become a defining attribute of Democrats.
Their collective actions are obviously orchestrated (from central command) and even the disrespectful demonstrations in the chamber are also prearranged and, in all likelihood, paid demonstrators.
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