The short answer to why "Progressives," aka Democrats, fight to stop Trump is that his presidency promises to halt their 8-decades long cultural revolution, aka war, to transform America to a lesser nation. More will be written on this in subsequent posts. While President Trump's policies are succeeding on several fronts, both nationally and internationally, "Progressives," aka Democrats, fight his every initiative, even ponder impeachment. The Trump economic team has rapidly overcome the Obama administration's pathetic economic policies, all of which were antithetical to capital formation, job creation and economic growth. Already 4% quarterly growth has been achieved, and 3.5% annual growth, perhaps more, can be projected confidently. This tops the previous eight years of 2% average annual growth, which Obama, Larry Summers, their sycophantic media and academic economists proclaimed to be a “new normal. "Greater growth would never be achieved aga...