In a society devolving more and more to non-thinking, anti-American people who operate strictly from their biased political beliefs and hate with no sense of propriety, or intellectual integrity I am fortunate to know many people who are of a better character and mindset. Janet McNeel, teacher, author, business owner, analytical thinker and more, is one such person. Janet wrote this thoughtful piece and has permitted me to post it here for many to enjoy. May it elicit thoughts in you to help deal with our current decadent national condition. JAM
by Janet McNeel
I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately as to why my political views have become passionate, when previously I could take it or leave it, respond or not respond. Soul searching and lack of sleep has led me to this conclusion.
* I believe it started when Maxine Waters stood before a group and shouted for her supporters to accost people at the gas pump, in the grocery store, anywhere they could be found in public. Vitriolic and violent rhetoric. They did: Pam Bondi, past Attorney General of Florida was spit upon as she left the theater. Sarah Sander and her family were run out of a restaurant and refused service. That restaurant is now closed due to lack of business. Numerous other civil servants received similar fate in restaurants. We Republicans stood silently by.
*I believe it started when I saw the family of Brett Kavanaugh destroyed by Christine Blasey Ford, who was supported in her lies by the Senators from the other side: Diane Feinstein along with Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, both candidates for President. I cried for this family. Those two beautiful children who had to listen to the disgusting made-up stories by Ford and her cohorts to bring a man to his knees. This too, was when my husband "walked away."
*I believe it started on Nov. 9th, 2016 at 2:30 in the morning when a man was elected President and the other side immediately began the process of bringing him down, conniving, lying and the lies have continued to this day: Russian asset, Nazi, treason, and the Elitist go wild if someone from their side even shakes his hand as happened at the LSU vs Clemson Championship game. Did they go wild when Barack Obama sat with Fidel Castro at a baseball game? Did they go wild when 4 Americans were killed at Benghazi?
* I never could stand school year bullies. Children in the classroom who were thought less of, who were belittled, who were beneath those considered more fortunate. I guess I became enamored when we Walmart shoppers, deplorables, undesirables finally found someone who fought for us and bullied right back on our behalf. Thank you Donald Trump for standing for the silent majority. We are quiet no longer.
by Janet McNeel
I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately as to why my political views have become passionate, when previously I could take it or leave it, respond or not respond. Soul searching and lack of sleep has led me to this conclusion.
* I believe it started when Maxine Waters stood before a group and shouted for her supporters to accost people at the gas pump, in the grocery store, anywhere they could be found in public. Vitriolic and violent rhetoric. They did: Pam Bondi, past Attorney General of Florida was spit upon as she left the theater. Sarah Sander and her family were run out of a restaurant and refused service. That restaurant is now closed due to lack of business. Numerous other civil servants received similar fate in restaurants. We Republicans stood silently by.
*I believe it started when I saw the family of Brett Kavanaugh destroyed by Christine Blasey Ford, who was supported in her lies by the Senators from the other side: Diane Feinstein along with Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, both candidates for President. I cried for this family. Those two beautiful children who had to listen to the disgusting made-up stories by Ford and her cohorts to bring a man to his knees. This too, was when my husband "walked away."
*I believe it started on Nov. 9th, 2016 at 2:30 in the morning when a man was elected President and the other side immediately began the process of bringing him down, conniving, lying and the lies have continued to this day: Russian asset, Nazi, treason, and the Elitist go wild if someone from their side even shakes his hand as happened at the LSU vs Clemson Championship game. Did they go wild when Barack Obama sat with Fidel Castro at a baseball game? Did they go wild when 4 Americans were killed at Benghazi?
* I never could stand school year bullies. Children in the classroom who were thought less of, who were belittled, who were beneath those considered more fortunate. I guess I became enamored when we Walmart shoppers, deplorables, undesirables finally found someone who fought for us and bullied right back on our behalf. Thank you Donald Trump for standing for the silent majority. We are quiet no longer.
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