Nancy Pelosi's folly of impeaching the president now goes to the Senate with a group of managers from the worst of the herd.
by Michael Wilson
Nancy Pelosi will load her Gang of Seven "managers'' into a Yugo clown car, and they will convey the articles of impeachment to the Senate. After three years of concerted but ineffective search, and the squandering of unknown tens of millions of our tax dollars in their futile effort, they have produced two nebulous charges that do not even name real crimes. Their is nothing, even in the "penumbra" of their allegations, that even suggests the "high crimes and misdemeanors" required by the Constitution to remove a POTUS from office. Proven and eventually confessed perjury was not sufficient to remove Bill Clinton from office, as those who lived through his impeachment will recall. The House Democrats cannot even come up with spitting on the street or impure thoughts on a steamboat landing.
Congressman Al Green (D-TX 09) stated the DP position most succinctly when he said that the DP had no hope of beating Pres Trump in the 2020 election. He correctly said that their only hope, since they cannot hope to beat him, was to remove him from office by impeachment. He got this one right at least.
In anything but a total kangaroo court, with the verdict determined before the trial opens, could these pathetic charges, presented by trial managers who could not have gotten even a verdict of guilty against Timothy McVeigh for improperly using fireworks, have any chance at all. These false charges, improperly conjured up out of whole cloth, with malice aforethought, by dishonest charlatans unworthy of any elected office in an honorable and free society should come to their deserved and past due demise in the Senate.
This freak show, which has hamstrung the president's efforts to show what can be done by a diligent, hard working and effective chief executive, and kept the Congress from carrying out the duties for which we elected him, may have one positive outcome. The ballyhoo attached to the effort will be so widely covered that the most uninterested citizens will have to become aware of what a contemptibly dishonest charade this has been. Hopefully a result of what the Democrats have foully wrought will be a purge of these undeserving lowlifes, and their being sent packing. Sadly, the worst among them will probably be able to withstand even the act of being found in bed with a dead woman or a live boy, but without a majority their fangs will be defanged.
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