We tolerated Obama out of respect for the office and for our nation while hoping and praying for better. That's the personality of those who are truly imbued with Americanism as it was prior to the "Progressive" Revolution that began in the 50s. However, it is not the personality of the revolutionaries and those they've co-opted and indoctrinated with anti-American views. The rejection of Hillary Clinton was a chance to stop the revolution. But, "Progressives" are doing everything possible, corrupt and illegal as they are, to stop Trump and continue the revolution to perdition, aka destruction of all that is Americanism. It's possible that only divine intervention and/or a catastrophic event can pull us together adequately to stop the revolutionaries. Cynical? NO. Reality. It will continue as "Progressives" fight to avoid loss of their 8-decades long cultural revolution to transform America.
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