In a lifetime of following politics and being involved as well, I've never witnessed the gross dishonesty, intellectual insufficiency and blatant hatred shown , especially toward Trump, by Nancy Pelosi, Schumer and their congressional minions. They are fighting tooth and nail to maintain their 8-decades long cultural revolution to transform America. Don't doubt it!!
PELOSI, SCHUMER and their congressional minions are about the most dishonest and intellectually bankrupt people of all times. However, even more disgusting than they are the mindless Americans who support them reflexively without demanding they act professionally and with some honor and decency!!! If I can create a "Mann's pyramid of undesirability" modeled after Maslow's hierarchy, then Nancy Pelosi would occupy the peak and her minions the base. In a lifetime, I've never witnessed such unacceptable "governance." In fact, there is no governance from Congress today.
PELOSI, SCHUMER and their congressional minions are about the most dishonest and intellectually bankrupt people of all times. However, even more disgusting than they are the mindless Americans who support them reflexively without demanding they act professionally and with some honor and decency!!! If I can create a "Mann's pyramid of undesirability" modeled after Maslow's hierarchy, then Nancy Pelosi would occupy the peak and her minions the base. In a lifetime, I've never witnessed such unacceptable "governance." In fact, there is no governance from Congress today.
"However, even more disgusting than they are the mindless Americans who support them reflexively without demanding they act professionally and with some honor and decency"
ReplyDeleteIn view of Trumps juvenile behavior, name calling, belittling, and the rest of his childish behavior, this comment is not only absurd, but laughable.
fOne wrong never calls for another. Also, Trump's less-than-wise commentary doesn't, in any way, equate to the anti-American "Progressive" efforts to fight him so as to avoid his stopping their 8-decades long cultural revolution to change America to less-than-1st world. If you want your comment to have meaning, don't hide behind anonymity. BTW, if you don't have the intellectual capability to think analytically and beyond the media talking points, it's probably better to remain quiet!! Oh, but go ahead and laugh at your own ignorance.
DeleteYou make a false equivalency between Trump's often foolish and unnecessary verbal battles wieh Pelosi's and others' efforts to subvert a duly elected government -- a coup!