It's time to start indicting and prosecuting those lawbreakers in cities and now state of California for illegally establishing sanctuary cities and states. Withholding federal funds, as proposed, is NOT ENOUGH! DEMOCRATS WANT SANCTUARY CITIES AND STATES FOR ONE REASON AND ONE ONLY --- BUILD AND PROTECT VOTER BLOC(S). America is broken. Only Democrats who have not given up their honor, as those I grew up with had, to the "Progressives" can reverse the devolution and destruction of traditional America.
More defining information will be posted, but I want to advise readers to comprehend the true reasons for Democrats' attitudes and efforts on immigration. Incidentally I am among the last to advocate shutting off legal immigration.
I've spent time in much of the world and have respect for many people. I have 30+ years of experience in Latin America, especially Mexico, and am proud to have many friends that I love and respect. But, our government has been both deliberately irresponsible as well as incredibly ignorant and stupid in dealing with immigration. I wrote a proposal for "IMMIGRATION AND TERRORISM --- BEYOND WALLS" IN 2007. Presented it to President Bush and published it broadly. I will "dust it off" and publish it on this blog soon. I've seen no better proposals!!
Keep expectations low as long as Forrest Trump is in the White House.