
Showing posts from January, 2018


As President Trump receives an excess of criticism from many people, it becomes clear that he has brought out the worst of many and they have no hesitancy to expose their bias, ignorance, dishonesty and improprieties.  One positive aspect of Trump's election is that many of the worst among us are identifying themselves. Now Ruth Bader Ginsburg who will not attend the SOTU by Trump ! All levels of our judiciary are political to a fault and now the SCOTUS is showing why we shouldn't appoint these people for life. Leftist justices like Ginsburg make law rather than enforce law according to the constitution as so-called "constructionists" do. It's not likely Ginsburg will retire so long as she draws a breath, yet she has been shown to sleep during sessions. Then there are the activist 9th and 4th districts!! The constitution means little to many of these jurists. We need judicial reform!


A new economic theory is being promoted by some of the leftist propaganda network. Increased income to the bottom line causes corporate bankruptcies. Yep! Just when we might think that the left-wing propaganda network can't be more dishonest and stupid, they prove us wrong. When Occupy Democrats promoted that the Obama administration's GDP growth of barely 2% was superior to Reagan's "trickle down" economic results of 3.6% over 94 months, I thought that was the peak of idiocy. NO. Now other misguided fools are selling the bogus stories that Trump's tax cuts are causing bankruptcies of several companies. This shows a new level of stupidity when increased income, aka profits, causes companies to go bankrupt. Worse than the fact that they promote such nonsense is that too many believe it. Say 50%? And they vote!


CHAOS IN WASHINGTON  IS NOT ABOUT TRUMP HIMSELF, RATHER IT'S ALL ABOUT WHAT HIS ELECTION HAS DONE TO STOP THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION OF 8 DECADES. The chaos and dysfunction we're experiencing in Washington, in government, is not all about President Trump as too many, perhaps even most, believe and the media promote. It is far more about what Trump's election has done to stop the sub-cultural revolutionaries who have been taking control of government for 8 decades and marching the nation to perdition. Barack Obama was the patron saint of these revolutionaries and Hillary Clinton, long a part of the march, the “Progressive” movement, was to complete the transformation of America, aka the destruction of “traditional America.” This writer hoped and prayed for an election result to stop the sub-cultural revolution. Trump would not have been a first choice, but he is capable of doing the job that must be done. The revolutionaries will fight with every trick they have, ho...


It's time to start indicting and prosecuting those lawbreakers in cities and now state of California for illegally establishing sanctuary cities and states. Withholding federal funds, as proposed, is NOT ENOUGH! DEMOCRATS WANT SANCTUARY CITIES AND STATES FOR ONE REASON AND ONE ONLY --- BUILD AND PROTECT VOTER BLOC(S). America is broken. Only Democrats who have not given up their honor, as those I grew up with had, to the "Progressives" can reverse the devolution and destruction of traditional America. More defining information will be posted, but I want to advise readers to comprehend the true reasons for Democrats' attitudes and efforts on immigration. Incidentally I am among the last to advocate shutting off legal immigration. I've spent time in much of the world and have respect for many people. I have 30+ years of experience in Latin America, especially Mexico, and am proud to have many friends that I love and respect. But, our government has been both...


IMMIGRATION --- NEITHER PRESIDENT TRUMP NOR CONGRESS SHOW ANY WISDOM IN REVISING THE DACA SITUATION. DEALING WITH DACA IS SIMPLE, but apparently neither President Trump nor Congress people have enough common sense or proper motivation to do so. In 2007, I developed a proposal for comprehensive immigration reform – “Immigration and Terrorism – Beyond Walls.” I sent it to President Bush who apparently gave it some consideration, but he was denied reform by the senate. It was published in the Virginia Gazette, a Tribune paper, I spoke in many venues and one person took the proposal to England to present to Parliament because of the way I dealt with terrorism as a part of reform. My proposal for DACA: Offer a legitimate path to legalization and citizenship for a monetary fee. Pay the fee over time if necessary. But, assign a designated time for legalization and participation in the naturalization process. I even proposed giving this offer to any migrant here illegally, ...