HOW OBAMACARE KILLS  by Dr. Robert Warren. PhD

Gone are the heady days associated with passing the Obamacare legislation. What now exists is a malfunctioning regulatory machine that belongs in the bureaucratic equivalent of an auto repair shop. If the website doesn’t work, fix it. If the thousands of regulations don’t work, fix them. If the insurance exchanges need a major overhaul, fix them. But where are living, breathing people in all of this?

Joe is in his late thirties. He has an aggressive cancer that will end his life in a few months. As a last shot at life he petitioned for and received approval for a stem cell replacement – and then his insurance was canceled. He is having difficulty getting a new insurance company, and even if he does, he will have to go through another lengthy appeal process that will rapidly reduce or even eliminate his survival chances. In desperation, he called a well known radio talk show host for help.

Susan is in her forties and has an unusual cancer. There are very few hospitals in the country that treat her life threatening condition. Her husband moved her near to such a facility to give her the best chance to survive - and then they lost their insurance and possibly access to the hospital and doctors treating her. Fear and sadness was evident on her face during the television interview.

Mark is in his fifties and will die without cancer treatment. He, too, had his insurance canceled. Because the cost of Obamacare was in the tens of thousands of dollars per year, he decided not to purchase any Obamacare plan. He stated on the radio that he would rather die the slow, painful death of cancer than disrupt his kids chances for a better future. There was resignation in his voice.

Joe, Susan and Mark, not their real names, are flesh and blood middle class working folk. They are confronted with a regime that would rather tinker with contraceptives and set up rationing practices.

Obama, Reid and Pelosi spoke about how compassionate and less costly Obamacare would be. They said that if you liked your doctor, healthcare facility and insurance, you could keep them. Unfortunately, with some exceptions for favored parties like unions, you can’t keep them.

The Obamacare distortions and outright lies are killing people right now, and there are many more people like Joe, Susan, and Mark who will suffer the ultimate fate because they were forced into the federal healthcare machine which was created, not for healthcare improvement, but for political control and income redistribution. This is the real and ugly face of socialism in America. 

Dr. Warren posts often on this blog and his impressive credentials are noted in previous posts.


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