EGYPT – and the Muslim Brotherhood –
Clinton, Clapper and Obama
will remember that I wrote, during the praise of the “Democratic
Arab Spring” by the Sec. Of State, Obama and the even more inept,
Gen. James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence that the Muslim
Brotherhood would end up controlling Egypt. Clinton praised the “Arab
Spring” as a “great democratic movement” and Clapper declared
that the MB is a “secular” organization.” The Muslim
Brotherhood, once home to Aymin Zawahiri, #2
in command of Al Queda when they attacked the USA and more, that
birthed both Hezbollah and Hamas and that is already active in the
Sanai, “SECULAR.” Are the declarations of these so-called leaders
(who aren't) made out of abject ignorance or are they assuming we are
so ignorant as not to know the truth?
will become a radical Islamic state, Iran already is, Iraq will
become the same, even Turkey under Erdogan is leaning hard to a more
Islamic government undoing the great work of Attaturk nearly a century ago. Syria will probably end up likewise.
Obama and his minions are saying “right on,” all is well with
democracy in the mid-east. But Israel, the only democracy in the middle east, gets stiffed by Obama
and will find themselves surrounded by hostile states who want to see them to
I wrote in another piece this week, “our government is now
populated with people who have neither the intelligence, nor the
wisdom nor the judgment to run our country.“ How can we trust them
to know what is truly going on with other nations? Some will say we
don't need to know....... we absolutely do!
national security is being threatened in too many ways, from the
outside but also from “inside our government.” As
I write this, Hezbollah is on our southern border from their base in
the “Triple Frontier" of S. Am. and likely already in the USA. And
the leftists disparage me and anyone else who asserts it. Why?
it any wonder that we elect inept, improperly motivated officials and
appoint people in their image given an electorate so populated with
those who ignore reality and do not seek the truth?
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