Obama's declaration that he'll ignore Congress and govern by executive order is not surprising, but it should incite every American to reject him and vote him out. BUT IT WON'T! His announcement that he will campaign full time confirms what I wrote in a blog some time ago. THE US TREASURY WILL BE HIS CAMPAIGN PIGGY BANK -- additive to the $1B+ that will be reported.
This is nothing more or less than Obama's Imperialistic Presidency being made public. His acolytes and sycophants in the media have been setting us up for this for at least the last year.
Obama's conference with a host of his media shills, press, pundits and TV media anchors, a few weeks ago was to set up talking points for his "strategy" of governing without Congress. The mantra of Republicans being the party of ''NO" and the constant chant of their being "no compromise" was/is also part of the "strategy." Compromise is only expected from the Republicans. Where is Obama's.
THIS SHOULD BE VIEWED AS OBAMA'S COMING OUT IN THE OPEN WITH HIS INTENTION TO BE A DICTATOR. I do not like to think this way, but I dislike ignorance even more. To ignore his imperialistic approach to governing is to be abjectly foolish and/or just plainly ignorant.
Unfortunately, a large enough percentage of the electorate is so ignorant as to buy into his plans and an even larger percentage doesn't care so long as he has the "D" behind his name. The "D" surely does not represent the honorable Democrat that most of my forebearers called themselves.
Reelection of Obama in 2012 will sound the death knell to "traditional America." Her soul will be stripped out. Yes, I've written this before........ and will do so again. Maybe one or two will take heed. Maybe.
I just heard Mitt Romney use the same words yesterday. About time the Republicans started to inform the nation of the hazards of continuing the Obama regime. Until now they are part of the problem in that they are destroying the chance to remove Obama by destroying each other. Obama loves their self-destruction.
Now, get ready for the ugliest, dirtiest, most dishonest, most corrupt presidential election campaign in history. If the media promoted Obama in 2008, and any person of integrity knows they did, they will double down on him in 2012. It has been on-going, but accelerated with the Obama-media acolyte conference recently.
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