"SOWELL-ATTRIBUTED PIECE ON OWS -- clarification..maybe

Apparently my post on the write attributed incorrectly to Thomas Sowell can use some clarification. I had received the piece earlier, attributed to Sowell, but doubted he was the writer -- not his style and not column length. It wasn't his. It was written by another person as a letter and the Knoxville paper used the wrong by-line. Mistakes do happen. Recently, my wife, Carol wrote an endorsement of her candidate for the VA General Assembly. The letter and attribution were fine.....but the headline was for the wrong candidate, just a legitimate mistake. It was corrected next edition.

This week, I received the Sowell-attributed piece again -- this time from a friend, who fled Cuba during the revolution. He wrote of how the "Sowell" pieced described what he had experienced under Castro and Che during the revolutionary. This friend, who wants to not be attributed for obvious reasons, had come to me during the 2008 election to help my group defeat Obama. The concerns he had then were played out in the recent "Sowell" piece. This person is a very credible professional person who has been in America since 1960, is fiercely loyal to the country and is very concerned about the Obama administration and the direction our nation is going.

Frankly, his observations and experiences lend far more credibility to the piece than anything I, or anyone who hasn't had his experiences, could write. In fact, while I have written a post analyzing the OWS crowd about as the "Sowell" piece does --- anarchists, socialists/Marxists -- my friend's comments are far more meaningful. Hence, my reason for posting and encouraging all to take heed.

An additional note: I have associates in Latin America, as well as Latin Americans here, who report that many in Latin America equate Obama with Castro, Evo Morales, Carrea, Chavez and others of their persuasion. You won't hear this from news sources!!
One more note: I do the blog not just to pass stuff from the internet that anyone can do, rather I try to confirm or provide authenticity, and analyze the situations from my own experience base and my associates in the world, which fortunately have been rather numerous, educational and rewarding. I hope to inform and to be informed. Thanks to all who read. I solicit your comments.


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