As I prepare a comprehensive piece on unions and their damage to the country, the Wall Street Journal gives me pertinent ammunition regarding Chicago's trash collectors' unions that I want masses to know. It is so illustrative of what I've experienced in professional life and even as a youth growing up near coal country. John L. Lewis' UMW "killed" coal, pushed the costs up the food chain to I. W. Abel's Steelworkers, killing USA steel and on up the chain to Detroit autos who passed the costs to the consumers. Excesses caught up with them. Steel essentially died, although there is some rebirth as there has been in coal. UAW destroyed the auto companies (for Obama to give to the UAW) and the city of Detroit along with them (losing 1 million people with vast areas of decay).
In NY trade shows we had to go through unions with various groups doing parts of jobs until we finally got a display built and product delivered. More later. Then look at Longshoremen!! Or Teamsters. High costs and thuggery!
Back to Chicago and the link. Chicago's union practices and the political pandering to them have driven costs to dispose of trash to $231/ton compared to $129/ton in LA and $32/ton in Scottsdale, AZ. Oh yes, Chicago workers make $90,000/yr and work about 5.5 hours per day.
I hope this whets your appetite to read the whole piece in the link. It is disgusting and very disturbing when you consider that President Obama is doing all he can to increase the magnitude of this problem.
Much more later, but I can't project a day yet.
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