On October 6th and 13th I posted thoughts about "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators and speculated on their being orchestrated without naming the orchestra director. I suspect most made their own decision as I intended. Shortly after making predictions on unions and leftist groups, as sure as the sun rises in the East, they showed their presence along with the puppet string pullers, MoveOn.org, Soros etc. The above link will discuss the strings being pulled by the number one puppet of these groups. Journalists such as Kuhner and the Washington Times have credibility I don't have, but we do our best to get it right. On this one it was clear from the beginning, irrespective of media reporting. There can be no doubt who leads the "Occupy" groups.
One aspect of such demonstrators on the left end of the political spectrum is their slovenliness.... urinating and defecating in the streets (and sex reported), trashing everywhere they occupy, showing no respect for themselves or others and more. Yet politicians on the left support them, even promote them..... all a part of their voter blocs.
Yet, has anyone heard Biden call them "barbarians," or Pelosi call them "astroturf and worse," or Trumka calling them SOB's, or Krugman, Margaret Carlson, Girafolo, Matthews and others calling them "terrorists?" I haven't. But, no one should expect better from this group of bottom feeders.
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