As Obama's performance defines him, his diehard acolytes stoop more and more to the false claim of racism by those who analyze his performance and judge it for what it is vs. what they expected. Local people here have written such ridiculous claims. Then there are syndicated columnists, such as Leonard Pitts, whose column anchors one of our local papers, who would have nothing to write about if he didn't have the race issue.
These people, rather typically, ignore facts and details and report only from their prejudices or talking points provided for them.
They ignore the fact that, in 2008, 53% of voters voted for Obama, in good faith and hope, when there was nothing positive to define him. He was black! Months after his election, even more, 69% of voters, supported him .... still in good faith. He was still black. Now, nearly three years of essentially fiddling while America burns, his support has diminished to near half of that.......and he is still black.
Where's the ...