Mr. President, I have a quote from an op-ed of years ago that says, "there is no equation of intellect with wisdom and judgement, without which intellect may be of limited value." (jam2001). Please note this!!
MR PRESIDENT, once again I ask, on behalf of thoughtful, concerned Americans, that you call up from your inner being the wisdom to avoid commenting on the impeachment during your SOTU presentation. One of your operatives on TV this morning admonished us to "realize your are a counterpuncher," intimating that you'd exercise that compulsion. Don't! Rise above the depths of depravity shown by some of the least among us in the impeachment "trials" and let them bask in their poor judgement and low character. The title "President" demands better and we 'the people" deserve better.
MR PRESIDENT, once again I ask, on behalf of thoughtful, concerned Americans, that you call up from your inner being the wisdom to avoid commenting on the impeachment during your SOTU presentation. One of your operatives on TV this morning admonished us to "realize your are a counterpuncher," intimating that you'd exercise that compulsion. Don't! Rise above the depths of depravity shown by some of the least among us in the impeachment "trials" and let them bask in their poor judgement and low character. The title "President" demands better and we 'the people" deserve better.
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