The Commonwealth of Virginia, with huge sums of money from the likes of George Soros and Michael Bloomberg invested in left-wing Democrats, went Democrat in both chambers of the General Assembly. The top three officials are hard leftists, from Ralph Northam, who supported infanticide and gun control, to Lt. Gov. Fairfax to AG Mark Herring, both rabid leftists and the promise a legislative agenda that will mimic California. Governor Northam, not one who shows much intelligence or integrity, promises to make gun control a major issue. At least 70 counties and cities across Virginia have declared opposition to what is anticipated as extreme gun control and have, consequently, adopted resolutions opposing the initiatives. Commonly called "Gun Sanctuaries" it has become a major issue. This post is by the erudite Michael Wilson and I am pleased to post it.
Gun Sanctuaries, a Virginia Initiative to Counter Democrat Extremists
By Michael Wilson
After exposure to more political jeremiads than optimism from many kindred spirits of late, I enjoyed an inspirational experience last night; a powerful reminder that the spirit and will for liberty are not dead in America. With very little promotion beyond word of mouth around one of the smallest and least populated counties in Virginia, hundreds attended the Clarke County Board of Supervisors' monthly meeting Their purpose was to demand a reaction to the proposed anti-Constitutional, anti- 2nd Amendment legislation to be considered by the now DP controlled state legislature at the behest of the racist, "progressive" governor Ralph Northam. Just as in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, registration of weapons, always the precursor to despotic confiscation will be demanded of citizens with every right to own these weapons Possession of such weapons will be forbidden. Any weapon that even resembles a military weapon will be proscribed, with felony convictions to follow for any who will not submit to this intended tyranny.
The fascists now in control in Richmond are attempting to justify the revocation of one of the liberties we have enjoyed since the implementation of the Constitution by the thin excuse that it will control killing in the gang infested urban areas. They do not trouble themselves to explain how they see the denial of our rights in rural Virginia providing a remedy for the problems they have created or allowed to metastasize in the urban areas, but this is not really relevant to the discussion. This state of lawlessness is, of course, exacerbated by the draconian anti-gun laws already implemented in the urban areas. The honest, law abiding citizens are at the mercy of the criminals unless overworked police can get to the scene of the crime promptly. The adage that, "When seconds count, the police can be there in minutes," obtains here. Sometimes. In large rural areas, with scant law enforcement coverage, the minutes can run to hours.
Although urban sprawl and creep are bringing drugs and crime, first to the suburbs and then to the outlying rural areas,.our problems here on the on the Blue Ridge are mainly ever bolder bears, coyotes and rabid animals of all species. In this, we are for all intents and purposes completely on our own. Police may be hoped for more quickly than the state game personnel, but as criminals invade us from the urban areas to our east, it will still likely require at least a quarter of an hour at the least for deputies or state police to get to the scene of potential crimes. Whether the threats come from wild animals or newly arrived criminals it is not hyperbole to suggest that our well being, and in some cases even survival, may depend on our dealing with these threats ourselves, and immediately. This, however, just as in the consideration of the problems of rampant criminality in our cities is of less concern than is the removal of a precious constitutional right, paid for with blood and treasure throughout the history of our republic since its genesis.
Given these conditions, and the love of liberty imbued in Virginians for centuries, it should come as no surprise that rural Virginia is barely still within the bounds of civil discourse. Counties are declaring themselves "Second Amendment sanctuaries." County sheriffs are openly refusing to enforce any such un-Constitutional laws, should they be legislated in Richmond. Last night I witnessed hundreds of Clarke County citizens, the vast majority outraged and incensed but civil, gather to demand that our elected supervisors respond to the governor's intended breach of our rights. Carrhart overalls were seen next to Patagonia and L.L. Bean attire, Women in jeans were there in strength, as were stylishly dressed women in skirts and high heels, Beards covered some faces, but tastefully applied makeup was noted in women who seemed to be on their way home from professional or executive jobs "across the mountain." Hybrid automobiles and heavy duty pickup trucks were jammed in the county government center parking lot, and the overflow lined the street leading to the center for hundreds of yards.
Given these conditions, and the love of liberty imbued in Virginians for centuries, it should come as no surprise that rural Virginia is barely still within the bounds of civil discourse. Counties are declaring themselves "Second Amendment sanctuaries." County sheriffs are openly refusing to enforce any such un-Constitutional laws, should they be legislated in Richmond. Last night I witnessed hundreds of Clarke County citizens, the vast majority outraged and incensed but civil, gather to demand that our elected supervisors respond to the governor's intended breach of our rights. Carrhart overalls were seen next to Patagonia and L.L. Bean attire, Women in jeans were there in strength, as were stylishly dressed women in skirts and high heels, Beards covered some faces, but tastefully applied makeup was noted in women who seemed to be on their way home from professional or executive jobs "across the mountain." Hybrid automobiles and heavy duty pickup trucks were jammed in the county government center parking lot, and the overflow lined the street leading to the center for hundreds of yards.
The comments period was opened by our excellent delegate to the House of Delegates, Dave LaRock. Grandfathers spoke, as did high school age grandchildren. Veterans made their points, followed by formerly abused women, or women whose lives had been threatened by gangs prior to their moving to Clarke County. One man spoke in favor of county unity and harmony, and two women openly opposed the demand for the supervisors to address this issue in the strongest possible terms. The overwhelming majority of the more than forty who availed themselves of their First Amendment right to present their grievances for redress demanded action by the board, most wanting a declaration that our county be declared a sanctuary county.
What was my personal concern; my "dog in the fight?" Must I as veteran with a 30% disability from the wound I received defending the Constitution during two years of voluntary service in Vietnam, and never in my 79 years found guilty of anything more egregious than a speeding ticket a half century ago, now be deemed a felon for refusing to surrender my constitutional rights to a tyrannical state government? Must a lifetime of hard work, and I have not retired yet, and community service prove the old Russian proverb, that "No good deed goes unpunished?" Not if I can do anything about it!
Will this occur? To be determined. The board will not meet again until next month. Hopefully the would be despots in Richmond will see the reaction to the proposed legislation, and withdraw it before this meeting. If not, the hundreds who gathered in Berryville, VA will certainly be followed by thousands assembling at the Sate House in Richmond on 20 January, 2020. If nothing else, we are seeing a democratic republic in action. Those who did not see the necessity to vote for our rights will hopefully see the consequences of their inattention to their duty as citizens, and turn out in sufficient numbers to drive these fascist from office at the next state elections.
Somewhere between the genteel "turning of the other cheek" that has characterized the behavior of the RP for decades in the face of ever more aggressive and undemocratic behavior by the DP on the one hand, and open insurrection on the other, will lie the preservation of liberty through stronger leadership in our legislatures, the US Congress, and the governors' mansions of our nation. If not, Virginia is not the only state in which Patrick Henry's cry of "Give me liberty or give me death!" will be heard once again.
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