In this piece, Michael Wilson captures the McCarthy-like nature of the relentless attacks on President Trump. The two-year long investigation started with nothing less than an attempt to effect a coup de etat. Memos within the FBI attest to such -- those between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are but two. The most scurrilous of Democrats, and that includes most, if not all, of the leadership, are hellbent to bring Trump and his administration down. AND THE REASON IS CLEAR! For eight decades, since Wilsonian "Progressives" took over the honorable classical Liberal Democrats in the '50's, so-called "Progressives" have been marching as a herd to perdition, aka destruction of traditional America. They call it transformation! Barack Obama was their patron Saint and did much for the herd, much damage to America. Hillary Clinton was to follow and continue the relentless transformation to a lesser nation, ultimately to one not of 1st world status seems apparent. Donald Trump's election has interrupted the "transformation" and all forces are fighting to bring him down. The DOJ is highly corrupt and a big part of the coup attempt. I identified James Comey, fired FBI Director, in May 2016 as one such person and predicted no indictment of Hillary Clinton from the sham investigation of her days as Secretary Of State. I posted "Hillary Clinton, NO Indictment" on May 24 2016. AG Lynch was/is undoubtedly a co-conspirator as is Obama and his whole DOJ holdover... plus more.
In 1954 a Republican U.S. Senator for the state of Wisconsin held up an envelope and said that it contained the names of 235 communists in the USDS. While the allegation may well have been true and provable, Sen Joe McCarthy could not prove it. The accused were never named, and never had to prove that they were not guilty. McCarty was discredited and after his 15 minutes of fame he faded from the scene, his notoriety not mourned and unmissed. His only remaining footprint in the sands of time is that his name is now synonymous with unreasonable, unsubstantiated attacks on the character and reputation of political opponents.
More recently we have had a reprise of the McCarty era. A President of the United States was accused of "collusion" with the Russian government and its autocratic leader, based on nothing more than a spurious "dossier," ordered and paid for by the campaign of his failed opponent, Hillary Clinton. "Treason!" shrieked his enemies, and none of those who should have stepped forward to silence them would or did.
Quick sidebar: Just out of curiosity, did she pay for the lying screed out of the $145 million dollars paid to the spurious, bribe-processing, money-laundering Clinton Foundation in return for securing the sale of 20% of our strategic uranium supply to the very Russians to whom Trump was supposedly selling out?
Those accused of seditious behavior by McCarthy enjoyed the presumption of innocence which has been part of the bedrock of our constitutional government of laws since its inception. President Trump did not receive this right. It was demanded by his enemies that his lack or guilt be proven. A special counsel was demanded. Okay... The opposition got what they demanded. The staff was comprised of nineteen lawyers known for their loyalty to his vanquished opponent. The findings and decision of this panel would be the final word on the matter, Two years, tens of millions of tax dollars spent,
thousands of communications taps, subpoenas, interrogations, and a conclusion was finally produced. THERE WAS NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE OF ANY PERSUASION THAT THERE WAS ANY OF THE COLLUSION ALLEGED.
thousands of communications taps, subpoenas, interrogations, and a conclusion was finally produced. THERE WAS NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE OF ANY PERSUASION THAT THERE WAS ANY OF THE COLLUSION ALLEGED.
Was this enough for the Trump haters? Well, no. Apparently McCarthyism is alive and well in some sectors of America. The Democrat Party, and to a lesser extent the anti-Trump elitist establishment elements within his own party, are keeping it alive. Congresspersons Nadler, Schiff, Waters and Swalwell, with the approval of the Speaker and the Senate Minority Leader, are still braying out the lies that Trump is a Russian tool. They disregard all that he has done for the nation despite their attempts to thwart his every move to improve the lot of the American people, and all that he has done to stymie Russian attempts at hegemony. Their brainwashed, slavering followers, whom George Orwell first identified and described for us, mindlessly and venomously parrot them. The abusers of the First Amendment in the media further the lies. And still President Trump stands above his petty detractors, successfully working for those who elected him.
The Russians and Chinese do in fact have supporters and tools in our government, but they are not in the White House. They have, almost to a person, membership in the DP as a common denominator. A few are socialists who make common cause with the seditious Dems. Many have infiltrated our bureaucracies at every level of government. But we, the people, need to start looking for danger where it really lies, and take steps to eliminate it from the hothouses in which it breeds, proliferates and thrives; the Congress and the civil service.
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