I'm reposting this blogpost for those who may be inclined to believe the nonsense coming from the likes of one Congressional Representative of the hard left, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, now becoming a spokesperson for the "Progresssives." Continued devolution. Sad. 97% CONSENSUS FALLACIOUS March 05, 2017 97% “consensus” on global warming is derived from prejudice, not from data and not by the "Scientific Method." This article was run March 4, 2016 in The Daily Press, a Tribune Paper. I'm posting here to reach readers beyond our local, Virginia Peninsula, area, especially for worldwide readers. On Monday morning, February 27, 2017, The Daily Press published a letter by a citizen , in which he used the fallacious 97% “consensus” on global warming to deride the newly approved EPA Director, Scott Pruitt. He also took a swipe at new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos for speaking quite a bit of truth about misinfo...