
Showing posts from 2019


I'm reposting this blogpost for those who may be inclined to believe the nonsense coming from the likes of one Congressional Representative of the hard left, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, now becoming a spokesperson for the "Progresssives." Continued devolution. Sad. 97% CONSENSUS FALLACIOUS March 05, 2017  97% “consensus” on global warming is derived from prejudice, not from data and not by the "Scientific Method." This article was run March 4, 2016 in The Daily Press, a Tribune Paper. I'm posting here to reach readers beyond our local, Virginia Peninsula, area, especially for worldwide readers. On Monday morning, February 27, 2017, The Daily Press published a letter by a citizen , in which he used the fallacious 97% “consensus” on global warming to deride the newly approved EPA Director, Scott Pruitt. He also took a swipe at new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos for speaking quite a bit of truth about misinfo...


The Commonwealth of Virginia, with huge sums of money from the likes of George Soros and Michael Bloomberg invested in left-wing Democrats, went Democrat in both chambers of the General Assembly. The top three officials are hard leftists, from Ralph Northam, who supported infanticide and gun control, to Lt. Gov. Fairfax to AG Mark Herring, both rabid leftists and the promise a legislative agenda that will mimic California. Governor Northam, not one who shows much intelligence or integrity, promises to make gun control a major issue. At least 70 counties and cities across Virginia have declared opposition to what is anticipated as extreme gun control and have, consequently, adopted resolutions opposing the initiatives. Commonly called "Gun Sanctuaries" it has become a major issue. This post is by the erudite Michael Wilson and I am pleased to post it. Gun Sanctuaries, a Virginia Initiative to Counter Democrat Extremists By Michael Wilson After exposure to more political...


Trump's impeachment is the "Progressive" Democrats' attempt to defeat him in 2020 to avoid permanent loss of their cultural revolution to transform America from 1st to 3rd world. This was Obama's charter and he did much to effect it. Election of Trump president in 2016 gives Americans one chance to stop the "Progressives" march to perdition, destruction of traditional America. Out of 1st world status into lesser status, 3rd world -- Obama's stated goal, "change America then change the world." He remains active in trying to do just that.  IMPEACHMENT: After declaring Donald Trump a criminal and beginning to look for the crime, even before the election of 2016, and spending 10s of millions of dollars and the majority of congress' time for nearly three years, the rabid "Progressive" Democrat American transformation advocates have contrived to form two (2) articles of impeachment: 1) Obstruction of Congress and 2) Abuse of power...


I proudly publish this thoughtful inspirational consideration of impeachment of President Trump for a thinking individual and one I'm honored to call a friend. He's a hero as well as one who has dedicated his life to service to our country and to an exemplary family. I'd hope all who read this will, in whatever way you can, evenly silently, salute Chris Emanus, US Army, for his service, his wisdom and character as demonstrated by his thoughts here. By Chris Emanus, CW5 US Army History is filled with the tales of those that have taken stand against tyranny and corruption. They hold a place of honor within our collective consciousness serving as inspirations during times of strife. We celebrate their names, some we elevate to Sainthood. They endure persecution, vilification and, in many instances, death at the hands of their accusers. As ashes smolder, the wicked rejoice in victory ….. only to be judged or forgotten. The impeachment of Donald J. Trump may well result in th...


PRESIDENT TRUMP: I SUPPORT YOU BECAUSE OF THE NEED TO STOP 8 DECADES OF "PROGRESSIVE" CULTURAL REVOLUTION . You are doing that. I do not support your every action reflexively as do the "progressive" acolytes support their leaders. NOW, your abandoning the KURDS in N. Syria is of great concern. The Kurds are the most reliable people in that miserable part of the world. They helped destroy the ISIS caliphate. They are opponents of Erdogan, arguably the worst leader Turkey has had in decades and he's trying to undo all that Kemel Mustafa Ataturk did to modernize, secularize, Turkey in 1923! BTW, there are at least 12 million Kurds in Turkey majority of whom oppose Erdogan's efforts. Reconsider now, sir.


The chaos we're new experiencing in the form of atempts to remove President Trump from office has far more significant root cause than just angst at Trump personally. As I've discussed in the past, the "Progressive" cultural revolution of 7-8 decades is being disrupted -- and must be, the reason I supported Trump. "Progressive" initiatives have destroyed many traditional American institutions, the crowning one being regard for life with abortion-on-demand, now infanticide, next will be even worse. DEVOLUTION!!! This post will surely cost some "friendships" and perhaps elicit a threat or two. However, since college days I have studied the cultural revolution now 7-8 decades long and the effects, some ravaging, on every American institution as "Progressives" have sought transformation of the nation, unfortunately to a lesser one than the nation that has been a model for the world. Our nation is all but "broken...


This is a short note I wrote to a FB group that was having the normal, but senseless, discussion about gun control. It's surely not extensive and not even profound, but it's real -- the way people act and think. While I continue trying to instill the concept of analytical problem-solving, finding root cause and segmenting problems into component parts, people just cling to the same old simplicity -- don't seek cause, treat the symptom, confiscate the weapon, the one currently used...… !! Bury head in sand, or somewhere and ignore that a gun isn't the only instrument of death to one who wants to kill. If you haven't heard of explosives, look up the term and numbers of same, More!! If one choses to ignore the human conditions that cause some to commit murder while others with the same experiences in life do not, then foolish is but one term, of several, that defines you. Why do we continue to elect to offices that execute, legislate, adjudicate etc those who are in...


 REFLECTIONS AND IMPORTANT FACTS LEARNED WHILE STRANDED OUT OF      THE USA ON 9/11/2001 -- HEZBOLLAH IS IN THE USA FROM THEIR BASE IN S. AM. It was a beautiful September morning in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, as it was in New York. I had enjoyed my favorite Mexican breakfast, machaca nortena (eggs & dried beef, jalapenos, more) and papaya. I bade adios to the smiling breakfast cook and waiter, both of whom always made me feel it was very important to serve me. I checked out of the hotel, chatted with the friendly manager, who asked me if I'd return in one week as usual. No, maybe two to three weeks. After going home, I had to go to Scotland to negotiate a contract with SGL Carbon to convert Mann Industries-Grupo Cydsa carbon fiber precursor into carbon fiber for aircraft brakes. Our recent work had been very successful, the outlook positive. The day was good! Until I entered the waiting car and my driver/engineer said a “small plane had hit a New York T...


E DITOR'S NOTE ; I have written much about the 7-8 decades long cultural revolution of the so-called "Progressive" Democrats and the societal changes, devolution in fact, decadence, political corruption and even potential loss of 1st world status as they march to perdition, national transformation, aka destruction of all traditional American tenets, including the Rule of Law which underpins our constitutional republic. This post is by one I've come to know as a "thinking person" who is clearly concerned about these cultural changes that are destroying our America. Please enjoy this post: BY PATRICIA SCARPERI WEATHERS A friend told me this story the other day. She was working her one job in a wealthy town in the northeast. A man that she knew came into the store and was looking around. She walked over to him to say hi and he didn’t seem to recognize her at first and seemed distracted and disturbed. Finally through a weird forced con...


“As I let my mind ponder ILHAN OMAR  and those like her, I fleetingly ask myself, "are people so ignorant as to not know her true character and her intent?" "Are they so delusional that they don't understand reality?" "Have people been sheltered from what those of her ilk have wrought on other tolerant nations?" Are "Progressives" so hell bent on transforming America that they will use her and those like her as their agents of change, aka willful fools and useful idiots?" No question, the answer is the latter.  It took me quite a few years to realize, to accept the sad fact, that so-called "Progressives" knew their policies were destroying the America I learned to love and respect at an early age. I didn't want to accept reality that the party of my forbearers was now the party of subversives, seditionist anti-Americans hell bent on converting the nation to 3rd world. I had to search deeply within me to realize that th...


Once again Michael Wilson's take on the Mueller hearing before the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees yesterday makes compelling reading for those who are serious thinkers and want truth. Sadly, and maddeningly, not everyone wants truth.  MICHAEL WILSON “The crusade to overturn the 2016 presidential election, thwart the will of the American people, and to punish Donald Trump for his successful performance against the inept Hillary Clinton and her allies may end with neither a bang nor a whimper, but with a series of mumbles and stumbles from a man who had been given the status of a champion by Trump's enemies but who showed himself to be dozy and ill- prepared when he had a chance to perform for his te am. Whatever Robert Mueller's deeds may have been in the Vietnam War, or decades ago in civilian government service, his performance showed that his armor was rusted so badly to render him no more effective than the Tin Woodman prior to Dorothy's arrival to ...


How low can "Progressives" and their sycophantic media go in trying to derail President Trump so as to enable them to continue their destructive agenda? After yesterday's disastrous Robert Mueller hearing on a "trumped" up effort by Democrats to bring about a 3rd world-like coup to enable them to continue their march to perdition, aka transformation of America a la Obama's declaration, the idiocy of their sycophantic media continues, as THE INIMITABLE CHRIS MATTHEWS OF MSNBC just proclaimed that President is a white Nazi cultis t.  I did a research-like "study" on the Democrat media while entrapped in hospital recently and found them to be worse than I thought. In general the media anchors' and pundits' abject ignorance is "Trumped" by their equally abject lack of integrity. Anyone who believes their efforts at propagandizing are actually honest efforts to inform would do themselves a favor by doing a bit of research in search...


As I let my mind ponder the four congresswomen, now inexplicably called "the squad," I fleetingly ask myself, "are people so ignorant as to not know them and their intent?" "Are they so delusional that they don't understand reality?" "Have people been sheltered from what those of their ilk have wrought on other tolerant nations?" Are "Progressives" so hell bent on transforming America that they will use them and those like them as their agents of change, aka willful fools and useful idiots?" No question, the answer is the latter. YES! It took me quite a few years to realize, to accept the sad fact, that so-called "Progressives" knew their policies were destroying the America I learned to love and respect at an early age. I didn't want to accept reality that the party of my forbearers was now the party of subversives, seditionist anti-Americans hell bent on converting the nation from the founders vision, away from...