97% “consensus” on global warming is derived from prejudice, not from data and not by the "Scientific Method."
This article was run March 4, 2016 in The Daily Press, a Tribune Paper. I'm posting here to reach readers beyond our local, Virginia Peninsula, area, especially for worldwide readers.
Monday morning, February 27, 2017, The Daily Press published a
letter by a citizen, in which he used the fallacious 97%
“consensus” on global warming to deride the newly approved EPA
Director, Scott Pruitt. He also took a swipe at new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos for
speaking quite a bit of truth about misinformation now instilled in
students in our colleges and universities. The 97% “consensus”
is a mantra now presented as inarguable truth, yet it's fallacious,
a contrived prejudicial assessment.
First, we scientists know that
science does not yield to consensus, rather hypotheses and laws are
derived from disciplined analytical problem-solving work consistent
with the “Scientific Methodology.” Then on Monday evening, I
heard Bill Nye, The “Science Guy” puppet the consensus
fallacy in a debate. Americans are being misled! It's time to inform
them of truth.
“consensus” propaganda came from a 2009 American Geophysical
Survey by two researchers at the University of Illinois. It is
referred to as the Doran Survey or Zimmerman Thesis. The
“survey” was a two-minute, two question, online questionnaire
sent to 10,257 scientists by two university professors. Only 3146
“earth scientists” responded. The researchers cherry-picked 77
of the 3146 and labeled them experts. Of those 77, 75 (97.4%) agreed
“global warming, now climate change, is manmade. The AGU survey
was widely criticized by the scientific community, most notably by
the respondents to the survey. But, we don't hear it, do we?
as I published some years ago, “Too many Colleges and Universities are no longer sanctuaries for
learning and research, rather are now havens for political
activism.” So it is with the 97% “consensus.”
Dr. Joe Mann,
PhD Chemistry
Williamsburg, James City
County, Virginia
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