
Showing posts from 2017


National Debt-to- GDP is often misreported, even by the CBO, but normally not as simple-minded as an opinion writer offered a few days ago. On November 8, 2017, a misguided person who has shown himself to be a sycophant for the left-wing propaganda network, and the simplest, often  banal, teachings of the network, published an op-ed saying little except a fallacy that Reagan increased national debt 500% and that Obama prevented a depression. No proof via data and surely not with the 500% nonsense. Here is my rebuttal. BTW, debt-to-GDP numbers are total debt, even that owed to Social Security, which of course, will never be repaid, and the so-called debt to ourselves at The Fed. The letter, “Tax and Spend” vs “Borrow and Spend,” in the November 8 Virginia Gazette was not informative. Reagan did not have a 500% debt increase. Moreover, debt as percent of GDP is more definitive. Under Reagan, debt in 1980 of $0.9T, 32% of GDP rose to $2.6T, 49% of GDP, an increase of $1.7T. Fa...


V IRGINIA VOTERS, PLEASE VOTE TO STOP THE "PROGRESSIVE MARCH TO PERDITION. VOTE FOR ED GILLESPIE FOR GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA. Virginia voters, please get out to vote REPUBLICAN today to do Virginia's part, even take the lead, in stopping the destruction of traditional America, the America that became the best nation ever. In the 2016 election, I hoped and prayed for results that would stop the profound decline wrought by unbridled “Progressive” Democrat policies that did not manifest as progress at all. Rather, we've been on an 8-decades long march to perdition with policies that have resulted in societal decadence, a condition that is, unfortunately, a normal for too many people who do not understand the essence of devolution, the loss of core values, over eight decades. Much, if not most, of traditional American values have been abrogated. In the 2016 election, a “Progressive” friend wrote, “lets' not go back 50 years.” I say, “let's go back to wherever ...


ON TAX REFORM AND REVENUE INCREASES. I'LL MAKE A FEW COMMENTS FOR FOLKS TO THINK ABOUT AND FOLLOW UP WITH DETAILS LATER. I'D APPRECIATE COMMENTS IF YOU HAVE ANY . 1. Reform tax-free FOUNDATIONS. Too many foundations are simply tax dodging facilities with little benefit for what they claim to be their charter. Start with Warren Buffett and the Clintons. Of course, Buffett can't be reviewed without looking into the Gates Foundation that received $2 Billion from Buffett's late wife's stock in Berkshire Hathaway. Then examine Bill Gates' comments to the WSJ a couple of years ago that his foundation was ineffective at improving education as chartered. However, there is more. 2. Clintons. Money laundering and more with a reported 6% going to charity. 3. Review all "charities" to assess how much money is given for charitable work and how much for "expenses." Many, if not a majority are employment and benefit opportunities for...


So, CNN announces that Special Counsel, Robert Mueller has "filed charges" and indictments may come as early as October 30. Who can be surprised that these charges come as the focus on Russian Collusion shifts to Democrats and Clinton's campaign. No surprise here as I've written of my expectations. What's next? First, look at a few facts among a profusion of lies and assertions of non-complicit actions from Democrat operatives and many members of the media who want to discount any guilt of Hillary Clinton for anything. The Fusion GPS bogus, aka fraudulent, dossier charging Donald Trump has been the roadmap for Robert Mueller's "investigations." While it's reported that this was first ordered by a conservative internet organization, apparently to find "dirt" on a Republican candidate during the Republican primary, undoubtedly Trump, it was picked up by Democrats when Trump was elected. A search for "dirt," not unusual in to...


RUSSIAN COLLUSION AND DEMOCRATS Several weeks ago I wrote to friends on Facebook asking, somewhat rhetorically, what would happen when the “Russian-Trump Collusion Investigation” forced focus on Democrats, Clinton(s), the Obama DOJ and others of the “Deep State,” including Comey and Mueller. What would happen? Would it be reported or covered up? Who would report it? Well, it's happened and those expected to be questioned as perpetrators and accomplices are already parsing words, denying what would appear to be obvious, lying and looking for cover. The four most common words, written about here in the past, “there is no evidence,” are falling from the tongue of Clinton, DNC operatives and others. Those words have been prominently used since the sub-cultural revolution abrogated the absolutes of ethics and morals and of what's right and what's wrong to focus on what can be deemed legal. What can we expect now? The Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel wrote...


Before addressing Robert Mueller and his position as "special council" I want to address James Comey first. On May 24, 2016, I posted on this blog my opinion that there would be no indictment of Hillary Clinton. All media reports portraying Comey as a paragon of virtue suggested we were being set up for exoneration of Clinton of any wrong doing. And so it was, and done in exactly the same way as I suggested . Since Robert Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel, I have had similar thoughts as I have heard praise of Mueller's unimpeachable integrity, virtually echoing the build-up on Comey. I don't buy the hype. Mueller has hired, I believe, sixteen attorneys, most, if not all, of whom are Democrats and some have very questionable backgrounds for this assignment. Some are publically pro-Clinton and others clearly anti-Trump. My belief is that Muller will go to any length to bring indictments of President Trump, his family and/or anyone associated with him. Now...


"Progressive Democrats have mastered the art of projecting themselves, their ineptitude, their shortcomings, and even their corruption, on others. Their attacks on "everything Trump" prove it. And, this may backfire on them. There are indications of that happening. From manngrp hide details To manngrp Cc Bcc show image slideshow I so wish that honorable Democrats, like those I grew up with, would take control of the malignant process of the "Progressive" Democrats who are attempting to bring the Trump administration down -- and our country with them. Please prove you have the intellectual integrity that permits you to see all of President Trump's and his appointees initiatives and their whole agenda. Report on the positives of which there are several in spite of unbelievable opposition. Criticize Trump for his presentation of himself, even his ineloquen...


James Comey, former FBI Director, has been billed since the initiation of the Clinton e-mail scandal as a "straight-up" person, a paragon of virtue. HE PROVES HE IS NOT SUCH. However, he does give quite a bit of proof of the "Deep State" involvement in destroying the presidency of Donald Trump After the Comey spectacle June 8, it is apparent that our own elected representatives will exact more damage politically upon our nation than the Russians are presumed to have done, or are likely to do! The intensity, disingenuousness and hostile nature of the Democrats' efforts to indict President Trump, in total absence of evidence, does, in fact, indict the Democrats for attempting to bring down a president with disregard for the damage it does to our America! When we elect some of the worst among us, what else can we expect. While Trump is often clumsy, even unwise at times, is not an eloquent speaker, he has jeopardized the "Progressive's" cultura...


PRESIDENT TRUMP’S REPORT CARD By Lt. Col. Charles Misak, USAF Retired If we can sit aside, for a moment, all the Trump bashing by the progressive democrats and our own dislike of some of his comments and tweets—and evaluate his performance from the job he was assigned to do. That job, to a large degree, is Article II. of the U.S. Constitution. Some of the salient points, as follows: “…. that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” In every issue that has arisen, I see he has done performed as expected, aka ordered. Next, the Constitution states “…. he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” He has fought valiantly to uphold the laws Congress has made. For example, the practices in sanctuary cities are illegal. He has attacked those. And he has and is attacking illegal immigration-clearly against the laws of ...


HEADS UP FOLKS: Take a minute or two for an explanation of the solid evidence that there has been collusion with Russia! Solid proof.   .@Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia Follow Liz on Twitter: @Liz_Wheeler Facebook: Facebook: w…


The James Comey-FBI-Trump story makes no sense. It seems the political left, "Progressives," are willing to manufacture any case to try to bring Trump down. It is difficult to divorce from the notion that this is simply more of the effort of the cultural revolutionaries to maintain control of their goal to "change America and then change the world" as Obama spoke about. Donald Trump's election was totally surprising to them and it potentially stops their "march to perdition" that we've written about in this blog. Is Comey a pawn in this movement? I wrote the piece below with this in mind. HELP me get the James Comey story straight and correct. Comey was billed as utterly credible when investigating Hillary Clinton's violations of law and protocol in her email communications. Clinton was treated as if she did nothing wrong, even though Comey enumerated many violations. Now, her aide's husband,  Anthony Wiener, aka "Carlos Danger...


97% “consensus” on global warming is derived from prejudice, not from data and not by the "Scientific Method." This article was run March 4, 2016 in The Daily Press, a Tribune Paper. I'm posting here to reach readers beyond our local, Virginia Peninsula, area, especially for worldwide readers. On Monday morning, February 27, 2017, The Daily Press published a letter by a citizen , in which he used the fallacious 97% “consensus” on global warming to deride the newly approved EPA Director, Scott Pruitt. He also took a swipe at new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos for speaking quite a bit of truth about misinformation now instilled in students in our colleges and universities. The 97% “consensus” is a mantra now presented as inarguable truth, yet it's fallacious, a contrived prejudicial assessment. First, we scientists know that science does not yield to consensus, rather hypotheses and laws are derived from disciplined analytical problem-solvi...


A "Deep State" activity, Obama's "Organizing for Action," is now underway to essentially provide resistance to the Trump administration's every policy and action. A formal "Resistance Movement" is already underway in Town Hall meetings as in Florida this week. None other than Bernie Sanders just announced that there would be 100 such resistance efforts in Town Halls this weekend. It's reported that Obama's group is 32,000 strong now with 250 new offices of operation open. Some say "we have always had differences" and that is certainly true...and desirable. However, we are not talking about typical philosophical debates today. We're facing what can legitimately be called subversion of the Trump administration, hence the nation. They say history teaches this. NOT this, folks. At minimum we have a "shadow government forming." Totally expected as this writer discussed. History does not, in entirety, represent...


Those responsible for anarchy and violence all appear to be leftists. We must determine who they are and who gives them the wherewithal to be so destructive and to be anarchists. ON VIOLENCE, PROPERTY DESTRUCTION AND ANARCHY BY "PROTESTORS": I recommend that President Trump, if he can get his DOJ organized with capable and committed people, form a task force to analyze all such inappropriate, even illegal, acts of protest. Categorize them as to cause(s), who are the people and who finances them. Also, chronicle each and report publicly the cost of damage done. NO, this is not abrogating their right to free speech. Rather, it's an attempt to apply analytical problem-solving methodology to these problems that are more intractable day-by-day. Our government has an obligation to protect people and property and quell anarchy. We must know who is responsible. Peaceful protest is a precious right, it's freedom in action, ANARCHY IS NOT. The anarchy at University of C...


Trump's cabinet appointees' hearings show distinctly how the least among us control, or try to, the best among us. As I watched the confirmation hearing a few days ago, I could not dispel the thought that I was watching validation of my opinion that we are governed by too many of the least among us, surely not the best. To see Senators such as Patty Murray, Patrick Leahy, Ron Wyden, Marco Rubio, Ben Cardin and more interrogating accomplished people, the kind of high achievers our founders envisaged governing America, was telling of who, and what kind of intellects, we have elected to office. Rubio even had the audacity to try to force Se c. of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, to declare Vladimir Putin a "war criminal." Rubio is now said to be holding up Tillerson's confirmation as he ponders. Rubio is totally ignoring the fact that declaration of "a war criminal" requires charges and adjudication. Naïve or ignorant? Doesn't matter. Wrong! While...


By Michael Wilson As I read, and listen to interviewees mobbing the streets of our nation's capital, bemoaning the anticipated "Nazism" of the nascent Trump administration all I see is a bunch of fascist goons and brats doing their utmost to emulate Hitler's Brown Shirts. The Metropolitan PD is not taking adequate steps to put an end to the rock throwing, burning, and riot and mayhem marring what has always been an example to the world of peaceful and lawful transfer of power. Lock these thugs and goons up. Clear the streets of this dangerous riffraff. If they are not from DC or environs, find out who organized and financed their journeys, and arrest them for inciting to riot. Last night I saw the disgusting spectacle of a young boy, I suppose 11 or 12 years old, bragging to a TV news interviewer about his starting fires in the streets. He should have been taken into custody and his parents arrested for child endangerment. They would run the danger of h...