More of Hillary Clinton deliberately ignoring the truth
Hillary Clinton has difficulty telling the truth on any issue. She announced yesterday in a press conference that the FBI had notified a "bunch of Republicans" of new e-mails that might have importance vis a vis the decision made by FBI Director James Comey earlier not to indict her. Perhaps the case will be reopened.
She didn't bother to inform listeners that the "bunch of Republicans" were all committee chairs of various pertinent Congressional Committees. She cares not a bit for the truth and/or thinks all to whom she speaks are dumb and ignorant or just don't care about the truth. AND SHE IS CORRECT. Clearly millions of voters are in that condition, an American Condition that is part of the decline into societal decadence led by "Progressives" like Clinton. She should never be president!!
Herewith is a link that I hope can be opened. If not Google the subject.
Letter: Comey Explains Why He's Reopened The FBI Investigation Into ...
23 hours ago - FBI Director James Comey announced Friday afternoon the criminal investigation ... In a letter to a number of House and Senate Chairman, specifically on ... I need a hint: what could possibly be in the "new" emails that would change ... case that dozens of highly classified e-malis were found on Weiner's
Great reading your blogg post