As you read this keep in mind GETTING OUT THE VOTE, something conservative Republicans have not done effectively for many election cycles. They focus on ideological purity, even single issues or parts of issues, and refrain from voting if the candidate isn't "pure" on their issue. Ideology alone cannot win elections, getting voters out to vote does. And, we cannot govern if we don't win. Sure, it sounds trite, but it's a truism. Also, please know that, in my opinion, Brat's issues were sound conservative ones and his focus on the Virginia Republican creed was music to the ears of many of us. However it is my strong and considered belief that he beat Cantor with the constant hammering on the issue of amnesty for immigrants, all led by radio talk show hosts. (edited June 15, 2013) JAM
Congressional Majority Leader Eric Cantor's loss to a conservative
political neophyte, Professor David Brat, in the 7th
Congressional District of Virginia is being discussed by media in
terms such as unbelievable, shocking, an earthquake, a bombshell and
more. While the loss is being viewed legitimately as an event
reflective of a Republican Party whose so-called controlling
“establishment” leadership is ineffective at uniting somewhat
disparate factions, especially conservatives from the more liberal,
it is likely more complex and definitive than that. I'm compelled to
think more in terms of a change in who and what influences elections.
Is this the beginning of a shift in influencing local and regional
elections? There's reason to think it may be so. Think talk radio and
such names as Laura Ingraham, prominent talk show host and TV
Is conservative talk radio, with powerful personalities like
Ingraham, on the verge of countering, in part at least, the dominance
of social media and internet “news” by Progressives (aka
Democrats)? If so, how much impact can they have in countering the
plethora of activist left-wing political propagandists -- such
entities as The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and countless
others. While there are conservative outlets as well, the left-wing
dominates. In addition there are literally thousands of left-wing
memes constantly pouring into social media, especially Facebook,
under such names as “To Be A Liberal” and many more.
Ingraham made much of her focus on Cantor's defeat before the
election and is basking in the glory of having helped defeat him.
Legitimately so it would seem. She now reports that “I went down
there (Richmond) and we had 600+ activists out for Brat.” While the
number may not seem large for a congressional election (regional),
it's remarkable to draw that many people who are enthusiastic enough
take time to show support for their candidate.
Ingraham is a strong and vocal advocate for immigration control.
Rightly or wrongly, she is opposed to the concept of comprehensive
reform and tends to equate comprehensive with amnesty. While I am one
who believes that comprehensive immigration reform is possible, even
necessary, without amnesty and even wrote a proposal for President
Bush, Ingraham disagrees. And, she sold 100's of others on the notion
that Cantor favored amnesty by favoring comprehensive legislation.
That's her right, she did what she had to do for her cause and the
cause of many conservatives, and she won her case with help of other
conservative talk show and TV personalities. She, and they, beat the
so-called “establishment Republicans. How important was her
activism. In this case it would seem she, and they, made the
difference in the running of the House of Representatives by ousting
the Majority Leader. What will the outcome be? We'll have to wait and
What seems to be true from this case is that talk radio hosts can
focus on local and regional candidates, saturate their segment of
voters with constant messaging and get out the vote. Quite an
accomplishment with Republicans who have no hesitancy to complain
rather than vote.
We may
have just witnessed the beginning of a paradigm shift in influencing
election outcomes.
Has a new era begun? It's not too farfetched to think it might be so.
Has a new era begun? It's not too farfetched to think it might be so.
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