More on
Climate Change
Steve Kauffman
Let's think
about Climate Change. The Weather Channel website had an
article that started off with the following: "The scientific
agreement that climate change is happening, and that it's caused by
human activity, is significant and growing, according to a new study
published Thursday.
research, the most comprehensive analysis of climate research to
date, finds that 97.1% of the studies published between 1991 to 2011
[presumably by scientists] that expressed a position on man-made
climate change agreed that it was happening, and that it was due to
human activity."
place says that an overwhelming number of scientists
form a consensus
that Climate Change is caused by human activity. Remember that.
"Scientists form a consensus."
is a scientist and what is a consensus? A scientist is one who is "a
person learned in science and especially natural science: a
scientific investigator." Consensus is defined as: "a
general agreement about something: an idea or opinion that is shared
by all the people in a group." Well, what's an opinion? "a
belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something : what someone
thinks about a particular thing." Ah! We have a bunch of
educated believers,
scientists, who agree that something is true.
scientists use something called "The Scientific Method."
That is: "principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit
of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem,
the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the
formulation and testing of hypotheses."
the way these "hypotheses," "an idea or theory that is
not proven, but that leads to further study or discussion" are
proven to be true is by "testing."
you have to understand that these unproven "theories" about
human activity causing atmospheric temperatures to go up are based on
computer models designed to predict the future. Models require that
the modeler make a number of assumptions. There is a well known
definition of the word "assume." “Assuming something
“makes an ass
out of you
and me.”
see, these theories, these ideas, have never been "tested"
over and over to prove they are true. But these "scientists"
are staking their reputations on their "hypotheses" being
true. So, these scientists are just assuming their assumptions are
I'd like to mention another group of highly educated people who have
another, totally unrelated, hypothesis, an opinion, that has never
been proven, but that is believed to be true, that is, taken on
"faith," by billions of people. The highly educated group
are theologians, priests, ministers, imams and gurus and the opinion
or hypothesis they believe and teach is the basis for all religions.
That hypothesis is that there is an omnipotent God who created the
universe and everything in it. So far, none of those billions of
people who believe this hypothesis to be true, like me, have been
shown proof
that this hypothesis is true. We just believe it.
Climate Change is a new, the latest, religion. It is based on, among
other things, the Gospel according to AlGore. You have to believe in
it, take it on faith. And he has a lot of apostles (read
preaching his new religion. These unproven theories, this new
religion, is even allowed to be taught as fact
to kids in public schools.
it is a fact
that real scientific evidence, proven evidence, shows that over the
last 450,000 years five periods of significant global warming have
occurred followed by five ice ages. During those warm periods the
increase in concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
temperature rise. When the temperature and carbon dioxide peaked, an
followed. So, please remember that a "consensus"
of a large bunch of scientists that carbon dioxide generated from
burning fossil fuel is causing Climate Change proves
If they really believed and could prove that carbon dioxide and
methane had an influence on climate, instead of worrying about Global
Warming, they might be telling us all to move South to stay warm to
avoid the next Ice Age.
real facts don’t stop
the current, overly enthusiastic
(look that up) EPA from embarking on issuing job killing, economy
ruining regulations restricting the use of coal and other fossil
fuels based on this UNPROVEN
this unproven theory that the atmosphere is getting warmer because of
burning fossil fuel. Even more asinine, why not put out a regulation
requiring bovines to stop emitting methane flatulence. Methane is
alleged to have ten times the effect of carbon dioxide on climate
change and there are a lot of bovines in the world. (Look up bovine.
The word
does not just apply to four legged critters.)
help the United States of America. Is it possible the 535 people in
the Congress could understand this issue and put a stop to this
travesty? Anybody taking bets?
Kauffman is a retired executive who has posted here before and whose
work I respect. His focus on the “Scientific Method” here is
compelling in any scientific work but is all but absent in the
climate change “science.” Computer models dictate results, not
testing and verifying a la the “method.”
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