WARREN BUFFETT AGAIN --and Harry Reid's profound lack of integrity..again I have written about Warren Buffett several times. His avoidance of taxes with his myriad foundations and contributions to others (Gates e.g.) while pushing for others to pay more is well-known, but few will acknowledge it. Even less care. His reputation as the premier investor protects him. So does his affiliation with politicians -- Democrats, especially President Obama. I wonder how many are aware of his purchase of a huge bloc of Bank of America stock using pressure from the Obama administration to "convince" BofA's chairman to sell the bloc. There's more, but does anyone care? Crony capitalism! There is more but it would seem that not many care. On a day when Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid is publicly calling conservatives "liars," disgust causes me to write. Reid is also characterizing the conservative Koch brothers as the leading financial contributors in politic...