
Showing posts from January, 2014


A constitutional convention is a fool's errand.   I've been approached by a few people in the last 1-2 years to endorse a constitutional convention for such amendments as a 28th to mandate term limits and to curtail the abuse of the constitution by radical Progressives, especially President Obama and his administration. My immediate first thought was "it's a fool's errand." After much thought, I'm still of the same opinion. How would a constitutional convention be controlled? And, by whom? Radical Progressives, who now control elections to major offices, starting with the Presidency, would surely dominate. A major goal of Wilsonian Progressives was to reform the constitution for "social change and to establish administrative bureaucracies." The new Progressives are even more radical. The current administration is radically Progressive and already has little hesitancy to violate the constitution, virtually at will. Who can doubt that...


This post by Dr. Robert Warren, whom readers know from previous insightful posts, addresses an issue that must not be ignored or downplayed . When a head of state, in this case Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, declares that much of the states population (conservatives) is not welcome in the state , he must be held accountable . How? The citizens of New York should take means to remove him from office immediately. Of course, that's not likely to happen. Unfortunately, this is but one more "sign of our times" as the far-left Progressives, who have taken over the Democratic Party, dominate and transform America as Barack Obama promised he'd do. He has much help from people like Cuomo . Wake up, Americans. We no longer have a traditional Democratic Party. Radical Progressives have been gnawing away at traditional America since the 1960s and now have control. -- jam, ed THE RISE OF TYRANNY IN AMERICA By Dr. Robert Warren, PhD The constant attacks by progres...


We have written before here about false and misleading data being reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as long ago as March 20 2012 and most recently on January 2, 2014. Like too much government data and general information, employment data continue to be reported misleadingly. For political reasons? It seems most likely. Today I awoke to news that the unemployment rate has dropped from 7.0% to 6.7%. Good news. Right? Not necessarily, and not in fact as numbers are analyzed and unreported details revealed. Even though the data covers the holiday hiring period, which should portend an increase in jobs, only 77,000 new jobs were recorded. So why is the unemployment rate down by 0.3%? Participation rate! The number of employable people actually seeking jobs. The labor participation rate dropped under 63% for the first time in 35 years to 62.8% . If the numbers for those dropping out of the "job market" are computed as unemployed instead of being ignored, unempl...


This article  addresses one of thirteen new taxes now reported to be in the ACA (Obamacare). As it turns out, not only did we "have to pass the bill to find out what is in it" a la Pelosi, it now is clear that we must implement and experience the ACA to find the truths. Others of the 13 taxes will be reported here as we confirm them and analyze their effects. The author, Dr. Robert Warren is a retired DOD executive and now heads a consulting firm doing work in accident investigations, especially rail and ocean going vessels. He is well-respected for his intellectual integrity in analyzing issues and for his capability to write about them meaningfully. objectively and truthfully. Yet Another Nightmare [of Obamacare]? By Dr. Robert Warren, PhD Within the next year, tens of millions of working folk will find themselves involved with the “obamacare exchanges”. So far, more than six million individuals have suffered the loss of their health coverage. But ther...


ED's NOTE I have written in other posts about inaccurate data coming from the Bureau of Labor Statitistics (BLS), Office of Management and the Budget (OMB) and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). People who know the truth and know how to find it are often appalled at how little interest there is in knowing the truth. They simply accept the data from reporting agencies, much of which is false and deliberately misrepresented.  This post is by Steve Kauffman, an executive, retired from the position as head of the NY Transportation System who is credited with success in reforming that system to financial viability where many aren't. I very much respect his views, consider him a valued friend and look to him for advice in resolving questions and disputes.  Steve's website: is worthy of a visit from all readers. I urge it in fact. THOUGHTS ABOUT REAL UNEMPLOYMENT, BENEFITS AND JOB CREATION BY STEVE KAUFFMAN  The Shadow Government Statistics website...