On July 3, 2013, I wrote on this blog
my opinions as to how Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and
Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, James Clapper either
misjudged the “Arab Spring” or had an agenda to support a Muslim
Brotherhood controlled Islamic theocracy akin to what Jimmy Carter
aided and abetted in Iran with Ayatollah Khomeni in 1979. James
Clapper went so far as to claim that the Muslim Brotherhood is
secular. This, alone, indicates either an attempt to mislead
Americans (those who care!) or his abject ignorance. Given his other
actions and statements, I'll assume it was out of ignorance. I'll
further assume willful ignorance. Totally unacceptable!
Does anyone know, with clarity, what
the Obama administration's policy is toward Egypt ….. in fact, the
whole Mid-East? Do they have one? Where's Obama? Vacationing?
Speaking to acolytes somewhere?
According to The Wall Street Journal
today in a front-page article, “Allies Thwart America In Egypt,”
Mid-East allies are ignoring Obama and America.
Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates and
even Israel, are supporting the Egyptian military as the only stable
entity in Egypt, in an effort to preclude a Morsi-led radical
theocratic government. As the WSJ says, these nations are blunting
any influence the Obama administration might have on the military. In
fact, Obama tried to convince General Al Sisi not to overthrow Morsi.
One must ask, “What is the Obama
administration's policy?” Do they encourage a radical pan-Islamic
region? Why? Are they just ignorant? Do they have a policy?
Frankly, as Obama seems to play more
than he works, it seems he wants the presidency for some reason, but
either doesn't want to be president or doesn't know how to be
And then there is Russia. Putin shows
profound disrespect for Obama. Yet the Obama shills, including much
of the media, more or less ignore the reality. Russia will be a
subject for another write.
Oh yes, there is Poland and Russia
combined......and how Iran fits in. Yet another write later.
I feel compelled to write this piece
for an antagonist who responded to a blog post of May 1 by saying
that “this country will never be what it could be [if we don't
follow Obama's policies].” But, as Mark Twain cautioned, “never
debate stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and
defeat you with experience.” So true!
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