The romanticized version of the Occupy Movement by the media and many leading Democrat politicians ignores the reality of the goings on as well as the anarchy of the crowds. Below is an account of a reporter who braved the dangerous conditions and captured the reality of the anarchy and thuggish behavior of the crowd. Tomorrow I will issue my analysis of the movement and the ultimate result to expect of it. You can read the complete article by clicking on tell the tale 3rd line below.
New York Post reporter Candice Giove braved the elements, the crazies and the sexual predators to spend a night in Zuccotti Park with the Wall Street Occupiers. She lived to tell the tale. The Occupiers seem to have devolved to a lower level of civilization:
The parcel is now a sliver of madness, rife with sex attacks, robberies and vigilante justice.
It’s a leaderless bazaar that’s been divided into state-like camps — with tents packed together so densely that the only way to add more would be to stack them.
And despite an NYPD watchtower overhead and the entire north side of Zuccotti lined with police vehicles, it is quickly becoming one of the most dangerous places in New York City.
Occupier organizers can’t keep up with the crime, and policemen are about ready to give up:
“We cannot take him in by ourselves, the cops have to come!” reiterates the OWS security force member.
They call the NYPD — and it becomes abundantly clear that the cops down there are sick of the antics.
“Every single night it’s the same thing. I mean, some guy was a victim of rape!” an officer snarls. “There comes a time when it’s over. This is a disaster. It’s all we’re doing, every two seconds, is locking somebody up every time. It’s done.
“It’s done,” he repeats.
Some of the Occupiers are crazy:
Outside, an old-man Occupier in a plaid earflap hat is screaming at people in the crosswalk at Church and Barclay.
“Why are you afraid of bunny rabbits? Whyyyyy?”
But the mentally disturbed aren’t the scariest ones. Sexual assault has become one of the chief activities at Zuccotti Park, and the Occupiers have split into Hobbesian categories of predators and victims:
They speak of theft, about government infiltrators and tales of Rikers Island castoffs being dropped off to roam and ravage the site. From underneath my blanket, I hear allegations of financial corruption and intimidation over sexual orientation.
“I’m in a tent that keeps getting flooded, ransacked and robbed,” fumes a transgender group leader — a female who identifies as a male. He said that the transgender group would create its own police force for transgender protesters and females, since an immense distrust loomed over the OWS-created authority. …
The threat of rape is very real here — for women and men.
Sitting in the McDonald’s just moments after Bezabeh was hauled off in cuffs, Lauren DiGioia, 26, tells me about how she became one of the growing number of victims on her very first night in the park. …
DiGioia, who is from Clifton, NJ, was shocked to see her alleged attacker’s image in The Post about a week later — and she identified him to the police. She is now offering counsel to other victims, as new ones crop up every day.
“I just talked to two gentlemen who were raped last night, and they don’t want to press charges because [authorities] wanted to take them in an ambulance and . . . do a rape kit,” she said. She passed on their account to the security force, while encouraging them to press charges.
“There was another girl raped by the same man,” she said from a table in the McDonald’s, which has become the headquarters of the revolution.
Zuccotti Park is basically a freak show, only with lots more crime, and dirtier:
I spend the rest of the night awake against the wall of a tent built for four — but packed with six.
My bunk mates include an anarchist, a sexual-assault victim, two security-force members, a girl dressed like the devil and her kitten — the “Anarkitty.”=
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