Today has rapidly become a day of frustration. Come to think of it, most days are now. I see and hear the president giving a rousing "campaign speech" on the jobs bill to the congressional black caucus, again saying nothing but saying it very dynamically. Many will love it and will vote for him again simply for that trait. Then I do my thing on the computer websites and each site I bring up has an ad for "The American Jobs Bill".... that isn't about jobs at all. Then I read economist Marc Gandi's projection that the "Jobs Bill" will produce 1.9 million jobs, but with absolutely no proof of how! I read that 14 million jobs are needed and am reminded that I used the exact same number in a speech a week ago and the audience looked skeptical, but didn't challenge me. Then, I read more on Zandi's "proclamation" and it says that ...... whoa, "jobs will be temporary for a year." Seems I wrote about that in this blog space and more.
Still trying to be productive, I submitted a piece to 3 friendly editors defining the real issue with Solyndra (not a "going concern" from the git-go) only to pick up a paper from The Tribune, for which they work, and read an article about Solyndra that ignores all essential analytical details -- 1/2 page of very little information. Oh, but my 3 friends do it better....they do! But, they didn't write the piece, the Washington Bureau did.
In my note to them I wrote that "where politics once dealt with resolving philosophical differences, now it's a battle to fight incompetence." And sadly, it starts with the Obama administration. And the day continued.
I saw David Plouffe being interviewed and realized "this is a major confidante and operative of Obama's. And that forces me to think more of mediocrity and Jay Carney's name is front and center of each brain lobe. Lord!!
Then Newt Gingrich is talking about the ineptitude of Chris Matthews, and he's on target, but then I think of Newt's performance on Meet the Press and I can't excuse him either. It didn't stop here!
Rick Perry is trying to defend his positions and not very articulately. Now, I'm reminded of a rant I've been on for some years about how "we express ourselves, the words and phrases we use, etc." I'm reminded of my speech last week when Perry's comment re Social Security being a Ponzi scheme was broached. I told the group that, "while there is truth to that, some truths should be expressed in more acceptable terms or left silent."  I told the audience that to scare seniors who depend on SS and then ask for their votes wasn't too different from telling a woman she's ugly then asking her for a date." Got laughs, but sadly true.
Some time ago, I contemplated writing a book entitled "Breeding Mediocrity In America," TOO LATE FOR THE TITLE. IT'S BRED!


  1. Hear, hear.

    Everything you hear this President say is describing what the Democrats are doing but accusing the Republicans of.


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