Can the impeachment craze backfire on Democrats and force further destruction of their cultural revolution to transform the nation? Yes, hopefully. I have long observed, accurately, that "Progressive" Democrats never recognize the true results of their failed policies and always measure success by what is in their minds, their ideas. And so it is with impeachment! They do not, in the least, prove and document impeachable offenses, but they continue to make the same claims, spew their mantra of "no one is above the law." True, even you people who abrogate the rule of law and continue to dig for evidence that isn't available aren't but you insist. You have bluffed your way, used dependent people and more to promulgate legislation that has resulted in societal decadence, loss of rule of law, racial divide rivaling 1860 and more. Hopefully your impeachment scam will stop your progress, although it is clearly your goal to save your march to perdition using the