

Can the impeachment craze backfire on Democrats and force further destruction of their cultural revolution to transform the nation? Yes, hopefully. I have long observed, accurately, that "Progressive" Democrats never recognize the true results of their failed policies and always measure success by what is in their minds, their ideas. And so it is with impeachment! They do not, in the least, prove and document impeachable offenses, but they continue to make the same claims, spew their mantra of "no one is above the law." True, even you people who abrogate the rule of law and continue to dig for evidence that isn't available aren't but you insist. You have bluffed your way, used dependent people and more to promulgate legislation that has resulted in societal decadence, loss of rule of law, racial divide rivaling 1860 and more. Hopefully your impeachment scam will stop your progress, although it is clearly your goal to save your march to perdition using the ...


Speaker Pelosi must cease battling the duly elected president. She, and all Democrats, are doing all they can to remove President Trump so as to avoid losing their cultural revolution to transform America to a lesser nation, now a push to Socialism/Communism.  A 2nd look at the Trump-Pelosi interaction in the SOTU gives some reason to think that Trump's not shaking Pelosi's hand may have just been clumsiness and oversight. However, I will choose to believe it was deliberate. Inappropriate for sure in a statesman-like setting or a public display of public people. However, my early years as a bully-eliminator gives me impetus to be more critical of Pelosi than Trump. 1st she deliberately made her act very public knowing that media would be her promoter. 2nd, Pelosi gives every signal that she has no respect for the office of the presidency and, in fact, gives equal reason to view her as presuming to be equal to the president, or even hold supremacy over him. 3rd, Pelosi has gon...


Mr. President, I have a quote from an op-ed of years ago that says, "there is no equation of intellect with wisdom and judgement, without which intellect may be of limited value." (jam2001). Please note this!! MR PRESIDENT, once again I ask, on behalf of thoughtful, concerned Americans, that you call up from your inner being the wisdom to avoid commenting on the impeachment during your SOTU presentation. One of your operatives on TV this morning admonished us to "realize your are a counterpuncher," intimating that you'd exercise that compulsion. Don't! Rise above the depths of depravity shown by some of the least among us in the impeachment "trials" and let them bask in their poor judgement and low character. The title "President" demands better and we 'the people" deserve better.


The "Progressive" Democrats' sham impeachment of President Trump has revealed to those with open minds willing to accept truth just how far the once-honorable Liberal Democrats have sunken -- depravity is not too strong a word. Their treatment of Professor Alan Dershowitz vs. that of  Amb. John Bolton reflects both the hypocrisy and their utter lack of integrity, aka fundamental honesty, once, I believe, the hallmark of Democrats. No more!! By Michael Wilson A commentator mentioned this morning that one's status with the left/ DP/"progressives" now depends on one's position relative to Pres Trump. Past sins and offenses are readily forgiven, if one but speaks against Trump. A long lifetime devoted to liberal positions and causes will be as readily dismissed, if one takes Trump's side on anything. Not long ago John Bolton was universally despised and reviled by the these groups. He stood second only to Dick Cheney on their "most hated...


DEMOCRATS HAVE BROKEN AMERICA As I watch the sham impeachment and observe the Democrats twist innocent expressions and massage meanings of words to fit their claims of high crimes and misdemeanors, I am incited to anger, then disgust but finally wonderment. What would honorable, intelligent, pro-American constitutionalist-practicing Democrats such as Harry Truman, Jack Kennedy, Richard Russel, Walter George, Scoop Jackson, Daniel P. Moynihan, Tip O'Neil and other statesmen think has happened to their party with the likes of Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerrold Nadler and a cadre of even less intelligent, group-thinking herd-running people, seemingly totally absent honor and decorum, leading the House of Representatives in shamming the Senate with bogus palaver trying to protect their own corruption and their march of America to perdition. They only prove that Democrats have elected a slew of the worst people among us. As undesirable as President Trump can be at times, their behavio...


Democrats deserve no respect, haven't for decades and now impeachment demands condemnation. I've had little respect for the Democrats since John F. Kennedy's tragic untimely death put the scoundrel, Lyndon Baines Johnson, in charge of the party and the presidency. Respect has diminished gradually since LBJ's days to profound devolution into decadence today with the sham impeachment of President Trump. Their patron saint, Obama, actually had multiple high crimes and misdemeanors but was not impeached. BTW, I recommended no impeachment although I blog-listed 11 impeachable acts. The nation has many problems to  solve and Democrats are doing all they can to remove Trump, an impediment to their march to perdition, aka destruction of traditional America. The frightening aspect of the sham impeachment is the abject dishonesty of the Democrats and their sycophantic media, who, it would seem, report whatever they are told to report. The House of Representatives shows both pr...