“As I let my mind ponder ILHAN OMAR and those like her, I fleetingly ask myself, "are people so ignorant as to not know her true character and her intent?" "Are they so delusional that they don't understand reality?" "Have people been sheltered from what those of her ilk have wrought on other tolerant nations?" Are "Progressives" so hell bent on transforming America that they will use her and those like her as their agents of change, aka willful fools and useful idiots?" No question, the answer is the latter. It took me quite a few years to realize, to accept the sad fact, that so-called "Progressives" knew their policies were destroying the America I learned to love and respect at an early age. I didn't want to accept reality that the party of my forbearers was now the party of subversives, seditionist anti-Americans hell bent on converting the nation to 3rd world. I had to search deeply within me to realize that th...