
Showing posts from April, 2019


TRANPARENCY, THE WORD OF THE TIMES of "Progressives." I understand the word. I can see through every "Progressive's"' intentions in destroying the Trump administration and the abandonment of their obligation to govern to do so. Do anything possible to regain the momentum of their cultural revolution to transform America to a lesser nation. All that's necessary to assess the elected ones who are pursuing their goal is to listen to the fools in the multitudes of hearings held over the past two years. Now it's interrogation of AG Barr. Some of the stupidest among us!!!  Names such as Schiff, Warner, Cohen, Blumenthal, Sorono, Swalwell, Kaine, Wyden, Waters, Pelosi (yes their leader), and many more appear to have IQs not out of double digits. Prevarication defines far too many!! How did our great America get this way?? Wilsonian-like "Progressives" started takeover of the honorable classical Liberal Democrats in the 50s and have been on an 8...


THE ULTIMATE IN EXTINGUISHING HUMAN LIFE WILL HAPPEN IF THE 8-DECADES LONG CULTURAL REVOLUTION IS NOT STOPPED BY THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION AND OTHER NON-PROGRESSISVES AFTER TRUMP. DESTROY TRUMP AND BRING THIS ON. "Progressivism" is now being defined by NY Governor, Mario Cuomo, Virginia Governor Dr. Ralph Northam and more state leaders as radical pro-abortion. Abortion, initially "limited and rare" then to the preferred method of birth control to abortion-on-demand to at-birth "abortion" aka infanticide.... and progressing to killing the child up to perhaps age 2, the age of "societal awareness" re Obama's Science Czar.... and then to refusal of medical care for, aka euthanasia of, old folk who have "lived their lives", say age 70. You doubt this?? Any society that will light up a major city in pink lights to celebrate legalizing infanticide can be predicted to go all the way.


AG BARR: As predicted the scurrilous "Progressives" have a new enemy in the coup to bring President Trump down. He has interrupted the 8-decades long cultural revolution to transform America as proclaimed by Obama and now others. They are anti-American, they are seditionists and if permitted to regain control of their march to perdition, our 1st world status is gone.  As predicted, "Progressives" have a new Alinsky-like enemy targeted for destruction in their never-ending banana republic-like coup de etat to undo an election result that is interrupting their march to transform the nation to one not of the founders' vision but of their own. Gone is the Rule of Law as we march to 3rd world. Honorable Democrats of old like my forebearers must be rolling in their graves trying to get out and reclaim their honor and decency co-opted by Wilsonian "Progressives" starting in the 1950s. Even I, their critic since the 60s, hoped it would never get to a state s...