Before the 2016 election the media, President Obama and spokespeople wanted us to believe there were no scandals in the Obama administration. How many times did we hear this, often from Obama himself? After the election the constant refrain was the same, but then we had to understand that Mueller, Comey and other top DOJ people were not just "honorable without scandal," but were Republicans. Clues to that fraud were many, including media calling Republicans anything positive, commendable. Soon it was clear that Comey was being sold to us and not long after, so was Mueller. Then came Strzok and other DOJ people and the "insurance plan" to prevent Trump from becoming president. Then came the Special Counsel and 16 or 18 hard Clinton supporters and funders to work for the "honorable Republican," Mueller. He, and they, had found a criminal, Trump, and now they must find the crime. Nearly two years and millions of dollars spent later, Mueller is still search...