The congressional review of FBI's IG report on investigation of Clinton's e-mail scam has brought more than just Clinton's e-mail abuse of policy into focus. It is all but clear that the Mueller's so-called Russian collusion investigation was preconceived to undo the 2016 election that promised (still promises) to stop the 8-decades long revolution to transform America. So IG Horowitz is reviewing FBI's Peter Strzok's text messages to and from lawyer Lisa Page, reported as his paramour. WHY? Are the messages not clear? Strzok asserted that Trump should lose by millions of votes margin. In responding to Page's frantic hopes that Trump will not be elected Strzok assured her no, no, no that they must stop him. Then to me the clincher. He asserted they had an "Insurance policy against that happening!!" There has been much tossing and turning by biased media as to what that meant. STRZOK BECAME THE PROMOTER OF THE MUELLER SEARCH FOR RUSSIAN COLLUSIO...