
Showing posts from February, 2018


Another analytical thought on guns in schools that, I believe, puts the issue in proper perspective from a friend.  Much to my chagrin, I think armed guards will become a staple in schools, public or private. How these individuals are managed is another matter. I think the most suitable candidates are police, perhaps some former service men and women. I do not recommend private security... Too little accountability. While I abhor the idea of guns of any kind present in schools, I see no other plausible solution. By Rusty Carter, Journalist, Newspaper Editor. 


PERHAPS WE MUST APPOINT CITIZEN GROUPS, CONSULTANTS AND PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE TO DEVELOP A STRATEGY FOR STOPPING SCHOOL SHOOTINGS. ABSOLUTELY, IT SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY TO GET TO THIS STATE, BUT LEGISLATORS HAVE FAILED TO GET ON WITH A SOLUTION.   I'm thinking that our legislators may not be either capable of analytical problem-solving or of being willing to ignore political pressure to understand the necessity of solving root cause(s) and not yield to rants and rages from the most vocal of citizens and more importantly, rabid biased media who will control the narrative of the issue of stopping school shootings. Dr. Joe A. Mann


It is incumbent on legislators at all levels, local school boards and parents to develop and implement a meaningful, non-political, strategy to stop the tragedies such as the most recent school shooting Parkland, Florida. To start, I strongly recommend the following: 1. Remove all signs designating schools as "NO-GUN ZONES." This nonsensical sign may keep guns away from students but it invites other gunners to attack without fear of being "taken out." 2. Put armed guards in the schools and make it known they are there. 3. Arm, vet and train selected teachers and administrators to be placed randomly around/in the school.    4. Begin immediately (NOW) to re-legislate the COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH ACT OF 1963 that is the basis for mainstreaming psychopaths, sociopaths and criminally insane on psychotropic drugs, which do not cure psychosis but only suppresses the condition. The psychopath goes off the drugs and the condition remains, as does the danger! M...


I intend to publish a few thoughts about school shootings and general gun violence. Here is one. Dr. Joe A. Mann, owner/editor. Thoughts on School Shootings: By Dr. Robert Warren, PhD I wonder how many of you know anyone related to a school mass murderer. I do. As a result, discussion of the whys and wherefores of these mass murder events is not new to me. However, there are a few specifics that are relevant to the discussions of the recent mass murder in a Florida High School. Probably the most utterly ignorant idea is advertising that a school is a “gun free zone”. This is the equivalent of “shoot here first”. Anybody intent on massive violence doesn’t want a fire fight, they want a slaughter with minimal risk. It would be far better to post no sign or even a sign that says “Armed and Willing to Shoot” even if there is no ability to fight. At least create some uncertainty in the minds of a killer. A passive response is not a defense. There seems to be this ide...


I find it absolutely incredible that the serious, even critical, immigration reform issue takes on DACA as a major focus. There are 700K, 800K, 1.8 million, how many??. But, Congress holds up critical budgeting by making DACA a controlling issue, with Nancy Pelosi in the House and Chuck Schumer "leading" the idiocy . DACA even controls budget process now. We don't know how many DACA members there are, or for that matter, how many total aliens are in the country. In 2007, when I developed a sensible Immigration reform proposal, "Immigration and Terrorism -- Beyond Walls," and gave to Pres. Bush, most accepted data noted 11 million total aliens, but some suggested up to 20 million. Today, the number here is still reported as 11 million!! Anyone believe that? The most reliable number was 6 million here on expired visas, many of those gotten in Mexico where Arabs pay huge sums to money to Mexican groups to "Mexicanize" them, teach them Spanish and get t...