V IRGINIA VOTERS, PLEASE VOTE TO STOP THE "PROGRESSIVE MARCH TO PERDITION. VOTE FOR ED GILLESPIE FOR GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA. Virginia voters, please get out to vote REPUBLICAN today to do Virginia's part, even take the lead, in stopping the destruction of traditional America, the America that became the best nation ever. In the 2016 election, I hoped and prayed for results that would stop the profound decline wrought by unbridled “Progressive” Democrat policies that did not manifest as progress at all. Rather, we've been on an 8-decades long march to perdition with policies that have resulted in societal decadence, a condition that is, unfortunately, a normal for too many people who do not understand the essence of devolution, the loss of core values, over eight decades. Much, if not most, of traditional American values have been abrogated. In the 2016 election, a “Progressive” friend wrote, “lets' not go back 50 years.” I say, “let's go back to wherever ...