OBAMA -- Global Warming Cause of Terrorism
Obama and global warming/climate change most critical problem for USA and the world. It is incomprehensible that Barack Obama and his spokespeople can declare global warming, aka climate change, the “cause of terrorism.” It's equally incomprehensible that Obama proclaims global warming/climate change, not terrorism, the greatest threat to America. This delusional behavior violates the first requirement of the constitution to provide security for the American people. It's ludicrous that he focus attention on climate change in Paris just after the terrorists murderous attacks on innocents. Having said that, let's remember that Obama considered it unnecessary to attend a solidarity demonstration with heads of 40 countries in Paris after the bombing of publisher, Charlie Hebdo. This arrogance, or ignorance, is even more unacceptable since the USA is the major target in the world for radical Islamic terrorists. But, his shills and apologists will remind us that ...