IMMIGRATION -- BAN SANCTUARY CITIES. In June 2007, I developed a detailed comprehensive proposal for immigration reform including focus also on combating terrorism. It was presented to President Bush and published. I spoke, by invitation, to many groups in several venues. It was even taken to Britain because a British couple who heard my presentation saw many comparisons to their immigration debacle. Recommendation #13 of 23 was "Make sanctuary cities illegal NOW! Ban new sanctuaries and cease operating existing ones. Cut off federal funds to sanctuary cities. " The heinous random murder of a young woman in San Francisco, arguably the most egregious violator of sensible policy by extremist Democrat-Progressive management, is the most recent example of the nonsensical and dangerous nature of this policy. Why is it policy? Irrespective of intellectually dishonest spin to the contrary, it is but one more ploy by "Progressives" to build voter blocs. Conservatives ten...