
Showing posts from 2015


  DEMOCRAT/PROGRESSIVE DEBATE -- FLAWED, UNQUALIFIED, DISHONESTY By Michael Wilson ·   I watched the last two hours of the DP debate. A penance for some sin of omission or commission, don'tcha know? I came away depressed (in addition to being bored to tears.) I can accept, and publicly state for the record, that Trump's proposed solutions to our nation's woes and travails are fantasies that have no chance of being implemented in the real world. I also accept that a certain percentage of my colleagues accept that Trump can somehow, on the strength of his really fantastic and incredible personality, persuade the Mexican government to pay for an expensive wall that they cannot in any way afford, to reduce what revenues they have, for instance. What amazes me is that anyone could listen to Bernie Sanders' fatuous solutions and think that they have even as much chance as Trump's fantasies. How does anyone, even the most dedicated sup...


Our youth may be up to the task of correcting our societal ills:   By Michael Wilson Owner/editor note: Many of us, seemingly most at times, view our youth, so victimized by the cultural changes that the older among us have witnessed for decades, as having "lost" the attitudes and values that we've considered essential to maintaining the America that became the greatest nation of all times. I am one who has become pessimistic that America can recover from decadence, and avoid further decline, brought on by the cultural revolution originating in the '60s. The burden of correcting the condition falls on our youth. What we see on public display gives little to no encouragement that they will meet the requirements. In this post Michael Wilson presents a positive personal experience with youth that suggests there is more justification to be optimistic than some of us believe. Mr. Wilson is a thoughtful person who is one who is more optimistic than s...


San Bernardino terrorism: Questioning Christian Church Liberalism By Dr. Robert Warren     After what just happened in California, and watching the “walking on hot coals dance” of the authorities, I was struck by the need to say something about the oppressive acts against Christians around the nation and the world - and that maybe we need to rethink the liberalism that has infected so many of today’s Christian churches.   Bob Warren   Onward, Christian Soldiers: Within the past few months, we have seen the Umpqua Community College shooting by a gunman who selected Christians for slaughter and now the San Bernardino attack on a “Christmas” Party by an Islamic husband and wife team. In both instances, there is evidence of jihadist radicalization and Muslim terrorism - although the media and the authorities have been more than careful to withhold final judgment. We have an administration that has, or intends to, let in tens of thousands of r...

OBAMA -- Global Warming Cause of Terrorism

Obama and global warming/climate change most critical problem for USA and the world. It is incomprehensible that Barack Obama and his spokespeople can declare global warming, aka climate change, the “cause of terrorism.” It's equally incomprehensible that Obama proclaims global warming/climate change, not terrorism, the greatest threat to America. This delusional behavior violates the first requirement of the constitution to provide security for the American people. It's ludicrous that he focus attention on climate change in Paris just after the terrorists murderous attacks on innocents. Having said that, let's remember that Obama considered it unnecessary to attend a solidarity demonstration with heads of 40 countries in Paris after the bombing of publisher, Charlie Hebdo. This arrogance, or ignorance, is even more unacceptable since the USA is the major target in the world for radical Islamic terrorists. But, his shills and apologists will remind us that ...


RISK OF GIVING REFUGE TO TERRORISTS IS TOO HIGH TO IGNORE SYRIAN REFUGEES: A few weeks ago the question of the Daily Press Newspaper (Tribune) to the Saturday morning DP Buzz contributors was, “SHOULD WE BRING REFUGEES INTO THE USA OR NOT? My answer was, and remains, “Emotions cry out (scream) to give them refuge, but analytical, objective and logical thinking says that, since America is the major target of radical Islamic terrorists, our government cannot justify admitting them and still uphold the major constitutional obligation to provide security for Americans. Rather, we should assist in placing them in places not subject to terrorism. It should be the Middle East nations, but at this time it is probably too late. There is now too much evidence of masses of young men without women and children seeking refuge to ignore terrorism aspects of this mass movement of people. And by the way, it is totally unacceptable for “President” Obama to politically chide opponents of ...


The Benghazi Cover-up By H. Clinton and The Obama Administration By Dr. Robert Warren,  PhD Over 40 years ago, Richard Nixon was forced to resign as President of the United States of America. His guilt lay not in the commission of the crimes of Watergate but in its cover-up. A stupid political burglary and its aftermath ended the Nixon presidency. Significantly, no one died and the guilty were sent to jail. Fast forward to today. Barack Obama continues as President of the United States. He, as well as his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, covered up an al Queda orchestrated assault on the Ambassador to Libya. Unlike the Watergate burglary, four Americans died. Unlike the Watergate burglary, an innocent man was sent to prison to prop up the lie that a film caused the Islamic world to go crazy. No one guilty of bureaucratic or political failure was held legally accountable. I would ask why no impeachment inquiry has been suggested. The parallels between Wa...


I was sent a meme comparing what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders had allegedly done alluding to what they would do if elected. Fact is we would be electing two more of the least among us. I thought of George Washington as I read the propaganda. My thoughts. When George Washington, surely one of the "Best Among Americans in his time," was approached to be our first president he asked, "Have I not done enough for my country?" He had, of course, but he gave in and did much more. We, as a society, have devolved so far since the founders envisaged that accomplished people would lend themselves to the masses for a period of time to use their skills and talents for the benefit of all, for the nation.  We have now devolved to a state where the unaccomplished, the "Least Among Us," present for leadership positions and are elected by non-thinking, reflexively acting people. Why would we expect a person who has accomplished nothing of substance in the...


Hillary Clinton's Lack of Ethics Disqualify Her to be President As Barack Obama speaks of transformation of America, Hillary Clinton reflects the transformation of  traditional America that's been going on for decades. Obama is just worsening it. I have long observed, and often written, that the American societal condition is now largely reflective of the counter-cultural and sub-cultural movement, aka transformation, started in the 60's. Arguably, it can be said to have started in the 50's as classical Liberalism was destroyed by "Progressive." Several, even many, societal practices and behavior are now definitive of this transformed American Condition. Perhaps none is more prevalent, more prominent, than the decline in moral and ethical behavior and practices. Absolutes of morals and ethics that once defined America are replaced by relativism and whatever can be deemed legal. Arguably, this is all too common with political figures. Bill and Hilla...


IMMIGRATION -- BAN SANCTUARY CITIES. In June 2007, I developed a detailed comprehensive proposal for immigration reform including focus also on combating terrorism. It was presented to President Bush and published. I spoke, by invitation, to many groups in several venues. It was even taken to Britain because a British couple who heard my presentation saw many comparisons to their immigration debacle. Recommendation #13 of 23 was "Make sanctuary cities illegal NOW! Ban new sanctuaries and cease operating existing ones. Cut off federal funds to sanctuary cities. " The heinous random murder of a young woman in San Francisco, arguably the most egregious violator of sensible policy by extremist Democrat-Progressive management, is the most recent example of the nonsensical and dangerous nature of this policy. Why is it policy? Irrespective of intellectually dishonest spin to the contrary, it is but one more ploy by "Progressives" to build voter blocs. Conservatives ten...


WHY JOHN HINCKLEY SHOULD NOT BE RELEASED INTO SOCIETY This article was run in The Virginia Gazette June 17, 2015. It addresses sound reasons that John Hinckley, would be assassin of President Reagan in 1981, should not be released from the mental facility where he has been housed since he was found "not guilty by reason of insanity." It is our considered judgement that releasing him to his octogenarian mother relying on psychotropic drugs to control his psychosis is a mistake and motivated by factors other than logic and objective determination of his condition. I invite all to comment. THE JOHN HINCKLEY CASE – OUR INTERVIEWS BY THE AP By Contributor, Joe Mann The Gazette article, “Hinckley's Voice, Emotions Come Through in Court Documents (Gazette 6/6/2015) is the third in local papers by AP reporter, Jessica Gresko, since she interviewed and filmed me and my wife Carol in early April. She found me through blog posts from 2012. While both Carol and I ga...


  There is a hearing today on mainstreaming would-be assassin, John Hinckley, in his mother's home in Williamsburg, VA. Last week an AP reporter, along with a cameraman, interviewed my wife and me twice for a total of approximately 1.5 hours. We expressed many reasons why he should not be mainstreamed. In both the print-press report and the video, our extensive comments were reduced to basically that we were opposed!! I have had many responses, locally and from other areas, including broadcast media. I will write a more extensive piece tomorrow. In the meantime, please review these post from 2012.   Friday, December 28, 2012 HINCKLEY -- IDIOCY OF MAINSTREAMING CRIMINALS MENTAL ILLNESS -- MORE ON THE IDIOCY OF MAINSTREAMING CRIMINALS Hospital pushes plan for more Hinckley visits here The hospital responsible for the care of attempted presidential assassin John Hinckley Jr. intends to move forward with a plan seeking more visits for Hinckley to hi...


As a result of deficit spending of $24 million in recent years for land control, James City County Virginia's Supervisory Board is proposing an unexpected 11% tax increase. This is, in large part, driven by previous boards "marriage" to the philosophies of UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI, of which the county was a member for several years until activists "persuaded" their divorce in 2013. Land development rights, as well as outright purchases were made, even with deficit spending, while critical needs of the county were being ignored. The county is now faced with a tax increase, radical budget cuts or both. This article was published in The Virginia Gazette on April 15, 2015. Publisher Digby Soloman's April 4 Virginia Gazette editorial “Who's Minding the Store,”addressing the proposed James City County tax increase, was excellent and thought-provoking. However, it was far kinder to the Board of Supervisors, past and present, than it could have or should ...


 I have long contended that the United States will have conflicts over water in time. That time may be getting closer than some want to think. Areas of the country that have insufficient surface water to impound have long relied upon ground water aquifers, some of which aren't fully replenishing under the stress of increasing demand. Investors have bought millions of acres of water rights betting on the impending under-supply to increase in value -- and they are undoubtedly right. Canada has water, some northern states here have water but many southwestern regions have grossly inadequate water. Mexico lacks water and looks north as we impound water that would find its way there. The problems of inadequate water need to be addressed analytically, objectively and intelligently, Strategies must be developed to mitigate the problems.  My area of James City County, Virginia, is totally dependent on ground water, the largest municipality in Virginia to be so. The issue has ...


WHAT KIND OF DIPLOMACY ARE OBAMA AND KERRY EXECUTING? NONE! What could be a more amateurish act of “diplomacy” than Secretary Of State, John Kerry enlisting James Taylor as his musical ambassador to Paris after President Obama snubbed the French and some forty other heads of states in their show of solidarity against terrorism January 11 in Paris. While major media coverage of this spectacle has been minimal the internet left-wing propaganda network has been actively trying to justify Obama's absence and Kerry's ill-advised attempt to cover for him. The sight of James Taylor, a talented musician, leaning over his guitar singing to the French “You've Got A Friend,” with John Kerry awkwardly looking on as a woman equally awkwardly held a microphone, was disappointing to disgusting – emphasis on the latter. How many ways can President Obama and his administration embarrass America and reduce her preeminence in the world? One can only assume that their ef...


Some mistakes have long-lasting consequences -- "Forever Mistakes," Mann 2012 PRESIDENT OBAMA'S ABSENCE FROM PARIS IS A MISTAKE WITH LONG-LASTING CONSEQUENCES In the show of solidarity of some 40 world leaders against terrorism in Paris , January 11, 2015, President Obama's absence was more than just a faux pas, more than a casual mistake. American presidents have long been recognized in most of the world as "leaders of the free world." In effect, Obama stepped down from that position and abdicated his obligations as such leader. His failure to show in Paris, his failure to lead, his snubbing of other heads of state, his arrogance or ineptitude will have long-lasting consequences. In May 2012, I posted a list of such consequential acts and termed them "Forever Mistakes." Obama's absence will be one of these, perhaps the crowning one.  The show of solidarity of the leaders must be viewed as a turning point in fighting terrorism. I belie...