
Showing posts from September, 2014


Ed. comment: A PROFOUND ANALYSIS AND THOUGHTS REGARDING THE AIRSTRIKES AGAINST ISIS(L) DESTINED TO FAIL UNDER DIRECTION OF A FECKLESS "LEADER" WHO HASN'T A CLUE AS TO WHAT A STRATEGY IS AND WHO APPARENTLY THINKS THAT IN WAR WE ANNOUNCE OUR INTENTIONS TO THE ENEMY.  BY MICHAEL WILSON  Ed/Owner's note: Michael Wilson is not only a profound thinker, as this piece confirms, he is a veteran who nearly gave his life in service to America. I agree totally with Mr. Wilson. I am grateful to him for permitting me to post this for our 4,000+ daily readers around the world. Here are Mr. Wilson's thoughts. It would seem that we are stumbling inexorably into another war in the middle east. I feel absolutely nothing even approaching schadenfreude as my analyses and predictions concerning the harm done by the policies of this administration are proven correct. More American lives will be lost as a result of the policy failures of this ho...


MY PREDICTIONS (look below for the latest after a bit of explanation) I have found over time that many, if not most of my predictions regarding government actions, foreign affairs and special societal events have come true. For inexplicable reasons, people who lean politically left often rebut, and those most hide-bound to the left often do so vociferously, even venomously. Expletives and name calling are normal from the latter. One dramatic example was the so-called “Arab Spring” and the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak. While James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama et al were touting “Democracy in Egypt,” I wrote, in this blog,that the Muslim Brotherhood would be “elected” and would take over Egypt. It happened as expected. And, the military still may be the only entity to maintain order in Egypt. I also wrote that a “pan-Islamic region was the goal of activists (aka radicals) in the mid-east. It is now happening. That a Caliphate will be formed is now virtuall...


  Greed in the Welfare State: (plus Sen. Mark Warner's hypocrisy...ed note) By Dr. Robert Warren, PhD Whenever the word “greed” is used, it is directed at Americans who favor the individual rather than the collective. Those who save for their retirement are “hoarders”. Those who work for a living are “stealing” jobs they didn’t deserve. Owners of private companies didn’t “build that business”. And, the wealthy are just plain uncaring, undeserving – and greedy. Greed is seldom applied to the government. Yet the government will beg, borrow and steal every dollar it wants through taxes, fees and political corruption. To expect fiscal integrity in government is to expect the impossible - as a national debt approaching 20 trillion dollars and the uncontrolled printing of money clearly demonstrates. But greed is also an issue with the poor. There are well over 100 million Americans on some form of welfare program. Many are now so comfortable “working the ...
Justice in the Bizarro World (satirical truth) by Dr. Robert Warren, PhD Editor/Owner's note : Dr. Warren will post a follow-up later I hope readers enjoy, but also comprehend the truth and accuracy of, this satirical presentation of life today as traditional America is transforme d. I think it started a couple of years ago but, blame me, I was too busy to notice. Then with a clap of thunder and a resounding “What the heck?”, I was transported into Bizarro World. But let me step back for a minute. I grew up poor, but not impoverished. I worked my way through an education, got a job, got married and started a family, went into business and am now retired. Little did I know that this standard for American success was going to be undone and even considered an injustice. In Bizarro World, those who save for their retirement are “hoarders”. If you aren’t out there spending and consuming then you are greedy. Even stranger, if you earn a living through work the...


After posting the previous article regarding the separatist movement and impending vote for Scottish independence from Britain, some asked why I, as an American, was concerned about internal UK "politics.:"  This is far more than just UK politics. A vote to separate from Britain would have, almost assuredly, led to "Balkanization," financial stress, dislocations, government chaos and perhaps more that would have had worldwide impact, especially on the western world. Britain is our most reliable ally of the United States and our relationships would surely have been affected. When I spent time in Scotland and had the opportunity to speak with people both pro- and con-independence, the "pros" made somewhat convincing arguments, their passion for it making it sound convincing. But, beyond their passion, an analytical assessment of the many results to be contemplated showed their arguments not to be compelling. I came away from such discussions convinced tha...

PAN-ISLAMIC STATE -- My prediction in July 2013

Below is a re-post of an article I wrote in July 2013 that, in reflection and now with current evidence, is spot on as I believed to be evident from information available at the time but ignored, or falsely reported by media. ARE OUR LEADERS IGNORANT, NOT ASTUTE ENOUGH TO READ TRUTHS AND FACTS IN REAL TIME.... OR ARE THEY COMPLICIT IN THE EVENTS? The way Mr. Obama has treated the ISIS threat compels the question, especially the latter. Sorry to come to this position. This issue takes me back to my May 1, 2013 post, "Obama--Inept or Deliberately Destroying Traditional America?" I chose to think ineptitude then. More and more I must wonder and reassess the issue. Wednesday, July 3, 2013 EGYPT IS NO DEMOCRACY -- The Arab Spring Fallacies 03 July 2013   The following is a response to a question about the current demonstrations in Egypt and how the “democracy” will be affected. There is no democracy in Egypt. Democracy as we define it hardly fits the situa...