AMERICA'S CONDITION -- Democrats control politics and culture, financial industry the economy
THE AMERICAN CONDITION (CARMA forum January 16, 2014) How did America get into the condition she is in today? PRELIMINARY COMMENTS FOR THE CARMA FORUM If you've ever eaten an elephant, you know it's difficult to decide where to take the first bite. Well, so it is trying to discuss a topic as broad and complex as “The American Condition.” But, let's try. Get a start for a further forums and for written articles. Let's take a broad brush look at a brief summary of how we've evolved, or devolved, POLITICALLY, CULTURALLY AND ECONOMICALLY since we became a free nation. My intentions are to offer some thoughts, not necessarily in any order, then conclude with analysis and commentary regarding our CURRENT “CONDITION” and how we arrived to it. Please interject when you wish. I intend to leave adequate time for group discussion at the end. Let's ask, “Who were we?” and “Who are we now?” The essence can be found in looking at ou...