
Showing posts from May, 2014


ROBERT REIC H -- INEPT ECONOMIC PREDICTIONS OR COVERING FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS DYSFUNCTIONAL ECONOMIC ADVISERS? Recently, Robert Reich issued the statement below published as a meme in a Face Book group in which I'm a participant. Innocent people, who want to trust his advice because of his “status,” bought into his theory. I dissented because his opinion made no sense, was even a reversal of normal economic consequences of corporate actions. I even pondered if Reich was setting up a straw man for coming unfavorable economic news to protect President Obama and his economic advisers, whom I've long viewed as dysfunctional. The economic news of the last few days strongly suggest the latter. Reports today are that the GDP retracted 1% in the last quarter. There were indicators that this was coming. If some of us laymen saw it, why did Reich not know it? The recent retail sector reports are strong indicators of a downturn also. Did Reich not know this? Did h...


  With the president continuing to demonstrate profound mismanagement in the newest case, the VA scandal, it's time to post this piece again. His performance was predictable. Please read and respond. Much more is needed than the "president" saying he is "mad as hell" (again). I suppose he means angry, but maybe he is mad. I'm surely angry! Enough mismanagement already! From Wednesday, May 1, 2013 OBAMA -- INEPT OR DELIBERATELY DESTROYING TRADITIONAL AMERICA THIS ARTICLE DEFINES PRESIDENT OBAMA'S LACK OF QUALIFICATIONS AND HIS MANAGEMENT STYLE SOME SAY “AMERICA HAS BECOME TOO COMPLEX  TO MANAGE.” I REJECT THAT EMPHATICALLY. RATHER WE ARE ELECTING PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO MANAGE HER. PRESIDENT OBAMA EPITOMIZES THIS DILEMMA. Since he was first elected president with no accountable job performance, no notable qualifications and with much of his background unknown, many have speculated that Mr. Obama is an operative ...


IRS IMPERSONATOR ALLEGES MONEY OWED AND FRAUD Perpetrator calls, identifies self as an IRS fraud investigator, alleges that account has been audited, much money owed, advises not to ask questions until he finishes explaining the charge of fraud. They had tried to deliver a “package” to our home and nobody to accept it. I said, bring it again. He said he couldn't … time expired. Inexplicable, but we still were not sure of a scam. I interrupted. He asked, “Don't you want to know how much you owe.” Advised me we owed a load of money from 2008-2009. Told him that was strange. In 2009 the IRS voluntarily refunded me several thousand dollars for for a filing error. Tenor changed. He advised bank accounts, credit cards, house (everything but pets and debt) would be taken over. I said, “I suppose I could resolve this by giving you a credit card number, right? He hesitated. I said, “you're a fraud, a scam, right.” He said “an officer will be at your door within and...