
Showing posts from May, 2013

Obama Administration Scandals -- No Special Prosecutors Please

There is now much talk about the Obama administration's scandals "needing a special prosecutor." If Republicans on the Congressional Committees cave and deflect their responsibilities and obligations to a special prosecutor, it will be nothing but a gift to President Obama, his appointees and to all of those responsible for the scandals. The election of 2014 will be pre-determined. Obama and those who want to "change America" win by default!! The transformation of America will be final, all orchestrated by a person whose contributions to America are not measurable. Frankly, it is reasonable to predict that such "prosecutions" will drag out interminably. We may never see a resolution of the cases. I predict we won't have resolutions. I'm tired of representatives who haven't either the courage or the integrity to do their jobs as they are obligated to do. Get rid of them! Start with John McCain, once again a media...


THIS ARTICLE DEFINES PRESIDENT OBAMA'S LACK OF QUALIFICATIONS AND HIS MANAGEMENT STYLE SOME SAY “AMERICA HAS BECOME TOO COMPLEX  TO MANAGE.” I REJECT THAT EMPHATICALLY. RATHER WE ARE ELECTING PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO MANAGE HER. PRESIDENT OBAMA EPITOMIZES THIS DILEMMA. Since he was first elected president with no accountable job performance, no notable qualifications and with much of his background unknown, many have speculated that Mr. Obama is an operative for others, a “Manchurian candidate” or a “Charley McCarthy” to one or more Edgar Bergen's. While evidence can be sighted to lend credence to such theory, his ineffective job performance and management style make it compelling to conclude that he is simply not qualified for the top job in the world. In managing any enterprise, it's a huge mistake to promote a person to a level of management beyond his qualifications. That person invariably continues doing what he or she was doing at the lower...