
Showing posts from March, 2013


  Cyprus, Troika Reach Bailout Deal -- WSJ Cyprus and its institutional lenders have reached a bailout deal, according to reports citing European Union officials. As part of the agreement the country will impose a 40% haircut on Bank of Cyprus depositors holding more than $129,760 in their accounts, Agence France Presse reported. The deal followed a weekend of tense meetings between Cyprus and the Troika -- the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund -- to reach a deal before a Monday evening funding deadline. Friends, given the government we have today, this could well be a model for the USA. Probably seems far-fetch ed for many, especially those of you who are left leaning and support the current administration. It will baffle me for the rest of my life that thinking people  can support Obama and those he appoints when he promotes all the policies that have brought Europe to a disastrous state....bankruptcy and...


WHAT CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS DOES SYRIA HAVE? It's possi ble that Syria has access to chemical and biol ogical weapons , the so-called WMD's, that Iraq "didn't have."  While it has been accepted in all the western world that IRAQ did not have the WMD's that  intelligence agencies of several countries had reported, it's possible we will find that their original reports were correct. Probability of doing so? Don't know! But information I received during the run-up to the Iraq war compels me to think of the possibility. During the run-up to the Iraq war, I received a report from a major British news source that chemical/biological weapons were trucked in tractor trailers out of Iraq into Syria. They showed pictures of the trucks, going across a bridge into Syria. However, no contents of the trucks were shown, of course. I turned the information over to our very competent newspaper publisher and asked him to have his sources investigate it and a...


CYPRUS -- WHEN WILL AMERICA FOLLOW ? The link below supports what I have been writing about the Cyprus financial crisis with focus on how the Cyprus/EU/BIG BANKS financial dilemma may relate to America and our financial state, including subterfuge in how our data are reported. Most data coming from government are deliberately invalid -- employment, inflation, debt and more. Americans must wake up and realize the truth about the national condition and what the current government policies are doing to traditional America. The Obama administration is well on course to transform traditional America to a Socialist/Marxist state looking like the EU PIIGS and worse. Most Americans are oblivious to this. That's Obama's goal -- or worse. It's time to recognize it for what it is.


Uninsured Depositors in Cyprus's Laiki Bank Face Hit Uninsured depositors of Cyprus Popular Bank, also known locally as Laiki Bank, could lose up to 40% of their savings if the government proceeds with a proposed restructuring plan as part of efforts to unlock aid from international lenders, European and Cypriot officials with knowledge of the plan said. The bank's resolution would reduce by 3.6 billion euros ($4.65 billion) the 5.8 billion euros that Cyprus has been asked to raise on its own to secure a 10-billion euro bailout from the euro zone and the International Monetary Fund, another official said. The Cypriot government rushed to parliament late Thursday a range of draft bills regulating the resolution of banks and introducing restrictions on financial transactions to stem potential outflows once the banks reopen. One of the officials said these measures could be in place "for months." I AM CONTINUING TO POST INFORMATION ON THE CYPRUS FI...
Cyprus Plans Bank Restructuring to Save Rescue -- WSJ The Cypriot government was preparing a bill Thursday night to restructure its second-largest lender, Cyprus Popular Bank, in a last-ditch bid to unlock aid from the European Union and reopen the nation’s banking system. Cyprus was also planning wide restrictions on financial transactions when the banks reopen. The proposals would allow authorities to restrict noncash transactions, freeze check cashing, limit withdrawals and even convert checking accounts into fixed-term deposits. MY VIEW It would appear that, while a bloc of parliament abstained from voting to tax all bank deposits for an EU bailout of bankrupt Cyprus, effectively stopping the taxing efforts, the government now intends to take control of bank customers' accounts. The rationale for this is not quite clear to me. However it's compelling to think that the government is still hellbent to take control enough cash to back the EU in Brussels to...
The Wall Street Journal News Alert Cyprus's Parliament Rejects Bank-Deposit Levy Cyprus’s Parliament voted against a bank-deposit levy, part of a bill required to secure an international bailout for the country and avoid default. After a debate on the divisive tax, lawmakers from Cyprus's Democratic Rally party, headed by President Nicos Anastasiades, said they would abstain from a vote, a move that secured the rejection of the plan. My view: Please know that this is not the end of the effort to tax the people of Cyprus. I would be sure others of the EU PIIGS will consider similar plans and Cyprus to still find a way to raise the revenue they desperately need to pay down debt and/or pay for a bailout. Some expect Italy to be next, but in my opinion, Spain will be the next and Portugal to follow. This is the ugliness of Socialism, Keynesian economic government actions, depressed GDP and public service union excesses. If you think it cannot happen...


For th ose who bel ieve Obama's, Pelosi's and Reid and the whole O bama cabinet's contention that deficits and total national debt are unimportant read what has just happened in Cyprus -- co nfiscation of ci tizen s' bank accounts without notification and without a vote. If you think it can't happen in the USA, you 're in denial -- 50+% who elected O bama will probably be so. FROM ERIC OF VA I BELIEVE THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT SIGN FOLKS! WHEN WE GO BACK TO WORK ON MONDAY THERE WILL BE A LOT LESS TRUST OF BANKS AND A LOT MORE FEAR! CYPRUS........WITH NO WARNING OF ANY KIND! Get your money out of the banks. Due to an “emergency deal reached today in Brussels”, a one-time 9.9% tax is to be levied on Cypriot bank deposits of more than 100,000 euros effective Tuesday, March 19. With no warning of any kind, the emergency tax deal was imposed on the people of Cyprus without vote or debate. People ran to ATM machines today only to discover ...


Friends, I have had some problems with posts being too dark to read with some readers but not all. We have no problems with our computers, desktops and laptops, or with our handhelds. I have much to write about and will try to get on with writing tomorrow. If anyone has the problem trying to read the posts and can alert me, I'd appreciate it very much. Shouldn't  be so mysterious, but is.Thank your for your patience, for your loyal readership and for any feedback you give. JAM


NANCY PELOSI DOESN'T GET IT - ARROGANT Click here: Pelosi: Pay Cut for Congress Beneath Their Dignity – Patriot Update Nancy Pelost (D, CA), former Speaker of the House of Representatives, avers that to cut Congressional pay affronts her dignity. Really! What dignity does she have in mind? Was it dignified to charge taxpayers millions of dollars for expenses, including air travel even for relatives, not to mention liquor, while “serving” as House Speaker? Was it dignified to announce that the “Affordable Care Act” would have to be “passed before we could find out what was in it?” And, was it dignified to call the act “affordable” and that every American would be insured, or that it would reduce costs when the opposite is true? Was it dignified to call Tea Party Activists “Astroturf,” not grassroots, hence not authentic Americans? Was it dignified, while House Speaker and seated behind President Obama at the “SOTU,” to jump up idiotically like a jac...