Here is an op-ed that was published today in The Virginia Gazette, a Tribune Paper. I should note that Gov. McDonnell is a good governor and gets national attention for being so. I've known him for 20+ years, but I cannot simply support policy reflexively. I want to support his initiatives, but I have been on the opposing side of the issues mentioned up front in this op-ed and now on the new tax plan. JAMES CITY COUNTY VIRGINIA: Gov. Bob McDonnell's proposal to fund roads with increased sales tax while canceling the gas tax is as incomprehensible as previous proposals. The first proposal — to sell the ABC operations for a fraction of their value for incremental road funding, while losing $47 million annually from the general fund — was canceled when the true economics were revealed. The second proposal — to sell our crown jewel ports to such as Goldman-Sachs — was dropped, partly because of arguments that the ports would end up in foreign hands as Go...