
Showing posts from December, 2012


MORE ON JOHN HINCKLEY -- From today's Virginia Gazette Yesterday I posted a headline and some information about would-be Reagan assassin, John Hinckley's, efforts to be mainstreamed in our Williamsburg, VA community. More information is now available and it further supports the idiocy of attempts to mainstream criminally insane people. In Hinckley's case, a single federal judge, Paul L. Friedman,  is pushing, against advice of all others, for increased visitation which portends "eventual mainstreaming." Simply stated, "this is power that one biased person should not have." Of course the judge is biased!! His politics are also predictable. Such decisions are driven by left-wing political philosophy. Always have been. The judge is "prodding St. Elizabeth's Hospital to proceed with plans to expand overnight visits here to "two 17-day visits followed by six 24-day visits, which could lead to [permanent] convalescent leave here, with his...


MENTAL ILLNESS -- MORE ON THE IDIOCY OF MAINSTREAMING CRIMINALS Hospital pushes plan for more Hinckley visits here The hospital responsible for the care of attempted presidential assassin John Hinckley Jr. intends to move forward with a plan seeking more visits for Hinckley to his mother's home in James City County.  This is a headline for an article to appear Saturday, Dec, 29, 2012, in our local paper, The Virginia Gazette. In spite of the recent massacre at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT, and many other such incidents as contra-indicators, the social workers and psychologists at the hospital where would-be presidential assassin, John Hinckley, has been confined have been fighting for at least two years to mainstream him right here in our community to live with his octogenarian (and not well) mother. HINCKLEY'S OFFENSE: ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT REAGAN ON MARCH 30, 1981, DISABLING SS AGENT BRADY AND WOUNDING THE PRESIDENT.  Hinckley was ju...


This post is another thoughtful and accurate treatise on the state of our culture and the crime that is perpetrated by bad, misguided policy. BY DR. ROBERT WARREN, PhD VIRTUAL VIOLENCE, DEPRAVITY AND MASS MURDER Another mass murder at a gun free zone, and another attack on the right to bear arms. The avoidance of reality and common sense, and its replacement with political correctness. The debauched culture of society, and its impact on the mental state of everyone. The television, movie and video game industries have made graphic gore and human mutilation into entertainment akin to the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome. It wasn’t too long ago that the Lone Ranger shot the gun out of the badman’s hand. Today, he would have plugged him the right between the eyes, had Tonto gut him, and then turn the remains over to Doc to have a complete autopsy for everyone to see. How do we even know that there is a badman? The Lone Ranger is the one wearing the ma...


Written by Dr. Robert Warren. Dr. Warren posts here occasionally. He is a long-time DOD professional and is an expert on accident investigations and assessments. He heads a company doing such work. Please see his comments also on the VATech massacre and current situation. Please post. I called Congressman Wittman and VA Delegate Pogge to protest the ignorant passive defense policy that is also in place at VATech as we speak. Until we get out of the anti-gun mind set and into the pro-self defense mindset more of this murderous activity will tale place. Bob Warren: Lessons from the Sandy Hook Massacre: The horrific mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary and Virginia Tech illustrate the inadequacy of current approaches to school security. Lockout, lockdown and hide doesn’t work very well because they constitute a passive response to active acts of violence and evil. An active defense involving active countermeasures is the only practical and effectiv...


NEWTOWN TRAGEDY -- REFLECTION ON GOOD AND BAD --- SUGGESTIONS FOR POLICY Some may think it a fools mission to look for goodness in such a senseless tragedy as the shooting of 26 people in Newtown, CT, 20 of them children who never had a chance to live life. But, as the story has unfolded, goodness, even heroism, is revealed in the teachers who protected their children as best they could with some giving their lives to do so. Sad as that may be, it is emblematic of what America has been all about -- a traditional American culture that seems all but gone by the decades-old  sub-cultural change that is symbolized by the mass murder of the innocent, an act that would have been unthinkable in America a few decades ago. I'm compelled to remember the shooting of 32 innocent people at VA TECH, lined up like in a shooting gallery and gunned down. I couldn't but wonder why one or more of those, who were lined up and shot, didn't "take the shooter down" even though it ...

MASSACRE AT NEWTOWN, CT -- Comments by Dwight Morgan

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Click here: Susan Rice Withdraws Name From Secretary Of State Consideration  As I've watched Susan Rice try to protect President Obama against criticism and punitive actions for the Benghazi, Libya massacres Obama reminds me of a buck dee r. Hunters will understand this as one construction man did the moment I mentioned it to him last week. As Rice "withdraws" her name from consideration for Secretary of State, the comparison is more clear. Also, as I watch the debacle of unions fighting the Michigan decision to become a Right to Work state I am further reminded of the comparison. When a hunter "on a deer stand" sees a couple or more female deer (does) gingerly walking through the woods sensing the landscape around them for danger, the hunter can be fairly sure there may be a buck following the does. NOW I KNOW WHERE "LEADING FROM BEHIND" originated. If the does  find a place to feed and encounter no danger, don't get shot for example,...

OBAMA'S CONTROL -- WE'VE SEEN NOTHING YET   UNFORTUNATELY, THERE IS MUCH MORE OF THIS KIND OF ABUSE COMING. MANY HERE WILL DOUBT IT, AND EVEN IGNORE IT WHEN IT'S CLEAR TO ALL. AMERICANS AREN'T EVEN ALLOWED TO CALL TERRORISM WHAT IT IS BUT THEY CAN BE, AND ARE, HARASSED FOR DOING SO ...DO A MAJORITY JUST NOT CARE?? OH BTW, TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT THE OBAMA-STACKED NLRB IS DOING TODAY. LOOK IT UP. A controversial proposal to create a government dragnet, sweeping up millions of records about U.S. citizens, was signed into effect earlier this year after much debate. The rules allow the National Counterterrorism Center to examine the government files of U.S. citizens for possible criminal behavior, even if there is no reason to suspect them. Through Freedom of Information Act requests and interviews with officials at numerous agencies, The Wall Street Journal has reconstructed the clash over the counter-terrorism pro...