Here is a prayer I offered as the invocation for a CARMA luncheon meeting on November 15, 2012. CARMA IS COLONIAL AREA REPUBLICAN MEN'S ASSOCIATION, a group of about 140 people who share concerns about the decline of our great nation. While this is not intended to represent the view of every CARMA member, many expressed wishes to make the prayer "public." This is not easy to come to grips with and my not being a theologian makes it even more difficult. We are profoundly concerned that traditional America and all she has stood for is all but gone. While her soul may be gone, her name will go on. What will she be?? PRAYER FOR AMERICA – CARMA, 15 NOVEMBER 2012 By Dr. J. A. Mann H EAVENLY FATHER, WE COME TO YOU WITH HEADS BOWED IN GRATITUDE FOR ALL THE BLESSINGS YOU'VE BESTOWED UPON US. AS AMERICANS WE ARE ESPECIALLY THANKFUL FOR OUR GREAT NATION AND FOR THE FREEDOMS WE'VE HAD, FREEDOMS ENDOWED BY YOU. BUT, FATHER, WHILE WE CO...