
Showing posts from November, 2012


Here is a prayer I offered as the invocation for a CARMA luncheon meeting on November 15, 2012. CARMA IS COLONIAL AREA REPUBLICAN MEN'S ASSOCIATION,  a group of about 140 people who share concerns about the decline of our great nation. While this is not intended to represent the view of every CARMA member, many expressed wishes to make the prayer "public." This is not easy to come to grips with and my not being a theologian makes it even more difficult. We are profoundly concerned that traditional America and all she has stood for is all but gone. While her soul may be gone, her name will go on. What will she be?? PRAYER FOR AMERICA – CARMA, 15 NOVEMBER 2012         By Dr. J. A. Mann H EAVENLY FATHER, WE COME TO YOU WITH HEADS BOWED IN GRATITUDE FOR ALL THE BLESSINGS YOU'VE BESTOWED UPON US. AS AMERICANS WE ARE ESPECIALLY THANKFUL FOR OUR GREAT NATION AND FOR THE FREEDOMS WE'VE HAD, FREEDOMS ENDOWED BY YOU. BUT, FATHER, WHILE WE CO...


THE CURRENT FACE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY – and Obama supporters To the surprise, and perhaps dismay, of friends of conservative persuasion, I have written about lamenting, even mourning, the loss of the honest, real Liberal Democratic Party of my forebearers. The productive debates we once had are not possible anymore. While I must recognize that conservatives have contributed some difficulties with such debates, nothing they have done or do can trump what has been done to the once proud and honorable Democratic Party by today's far left misfits of the Progressive movement. Just when I thought Bill Maher's scurrilous commentary wouldn't be topped, Michael Moore and MoveOn.Org have trumped him with two adds promoting Obama for reelection and condemning Romney in the most despicable way. The add I speak of has 3 old people (“seniors” that is) who are truly in the moral and ethical gutter promoting Obama. One 97-year old woman (white) finishes off...


OBAMA POLICIES AND DISQUALIFIERS FOR REELECTION I have written variously about failures of the Obama administration. President Obama, himself, had no accountable working experience to give him the knowledge and background to be president. To no surprise, he appointed people to key positions who were like him, not people with knowledge and experience that he didn't (and doesn't) have. Four years later, there is no evidence that Obama understands these deficiencies and will continue doing just as he has if elected to another term. However, the next term will be quite different, and more destructive to traditional America. He will have no constraints of having to be reelected. I will address this further in another post. For now, let's look at some specific policies and initiatives as well as some Obama claims, from a factual standpoint, and not the hype of the shills and Obama media. OBAMA SAVED THE AUTO INDUSTRY NO he didn't . The auto industry was alive ...


A FEW MUSINGS ABOUT WHO OBAMA IS: I learned early in life to look for defining points in people, especially in those in leadership positions. Good character, attitude and command presence are absolutely critical attributes for those in leadership positions to lead successfully. The top leadership position in the world is the Presidency of the United States of America. President Obama does not have the necessary attributes to lead Americans and he demonstrates it often with both his words and deeds. His actions are too often, most often in fact, divisive, polarizing and create dissension and hatred. He deliberately appeals to the worst instincts and the most selfish attitudes of people. It's now clear that this is his character, his method to gain support from enough to keep him in power. Even single words and expressions can, and do, define a person and reveal his or her mindset and inner being. So it is with Obama. His most recent assertion in a speech to a supporting audienc...


  Click here: Retired top military brass push for Romney - Washington Times     The Obama media made a big announcement about Colin Powell endorsing President Obama (again!) which is as surprising as seeing the sun rise in the East and not the West. Gen. Wesley Clark, the CNN darling, likewise, unsurprisingly endorsed Obama.   Will the media make a big splash out of the advertisement due tomorrow from 500 retired military officers supporting Mitt Romney?