
Showing posts from September, 2012

OBAMA'S REELECTION -- VOTERS WHO WILL REELECT HIM It's not likely you'll find this link on such far left websites asThe Pragmatic (an oxymoron!), but it is reality. This depicts the voter who will reelect Obama and, hence, will determine what kind of America we will live in -- a collectivist society (aka Marxism) It's all but impossible to convince people predisposed to vote the "D," or those who buy the misinformation of Obama and the media, of this. But, the reality is that Obama promised to "transform America" and all of his actions show that he means just that. Young people will help make this happen, along with many misguided seniors who vote reflexively for the "D." They will be relegating all Americans to subjugation to the state. Yes, Obama is a true statist. For many of us it won't matter, but for the youth, they are voting to shorten the path to perdition, like lemmings off the cliff. TRAGIC! I...


I'm posting a comment from a reader for more to see. I am in total agreement with the commentary and will write more in a day or two. When I speak of Obama "transforming America" as he has promised, the comments below are exactly what he intends. It should be clear to all.....but isn't. That is what I, and my network, are fighting. I THANK THE COMMENTER FOR THE INSIGHTFUL ASSESSMENT.     Anonymous 27 September, 2012 I have no disagreement with your analysis, but virtually all writers miss the extraordinary ways Obama is altering the bureaucracy and its misuse of laws behind the scenes. While the economic crisis is severe, the poisonous changes throughout government are equally devestating in the short and long term. The "czars" are there for a reason, and that is to transform government from within, while no one is looking or able to ferret out what is taking place. The few reported instances of overriding the Constitution, laws and regulations are ...


This editorial/essay was written at request of, and published by, the Virginia Gazette, a Tribune paper. I address the critical domestic/economic failures. They are profound and disqualify Obama for another term. A piece on foreign policy will issue next. However, The Gazette ran a very good editorial on Sept. 22 by a journalist and a former ambassador who outline failures of Obama is foreign policy. The Times Dispatch ran an editorial on Sunday, Sept. 23 on Obama's failed foreign policies even more compelling than the Gazette piece. How anyone who knows of Obamas's failures can still vote for him is incomprehensible. THE CASE FOR ROMNEY The Virginia Gazette, Wednesday, September 19, 2012 The 20 12 presidential election is the most critical election since 1860. Americans are as polarized now as then and are becoming more so. America has systemic, life-threatening issues. A stagnating economy with structural problems, crushing debt now 109% of GDP(up over 50% in 4 y...


Click here: ROMNEY'S CHARACTER COMES TO LIGHT, AND IT'S DARK INDEED - Yahoo! News It is truly reprehensible, and worse that the media is all-consumed in criticizing Mitt Romney for making a statement about the deplorable anti-American activities, including murder of Americans in LIbYa, while ignoring the fact that the Commander and Chief, Obama, downplays the events. He's been too busy campaigning to govern for 13 months. The major media also are blatantly pro-Obama and showing it. This is the epitome of irresponsibility, but who cares? Surely not Obama supporters. Surely not those who vote reflexively for the "D" although the "D" isn't what it used to be. The major media remain disgustingly complicit with the Obama administrations assertions that America is more respected today than pre-Obama. This is absolutely FALSE. I get comments from many parts of the world...... and they quite different from the administration hype. Just today ...

A POLITICAL PARODY THAT ISN'T -- IT'S PROPAGANDA This is billed as a parody but, in fact, is a scurrilous hit piece against all Republicans....really all who oppose Obama and the far-left radical Progressive push for control of America. It forgoes any semblance of honesty and civility. It is designed to incite hatred in those who support Obama. Unfortunately, it depicts the real nature and attitude of the "progressive (radical left) that have become controlling parasites on the once honorable and proud Democratic Party. If one doesn't recognize the real nature of this video and the real intent of the radical movement to demonize all who oppose them, then one doesn't want to see reality and truth. Fact is that many, if not most, who lean left and think the Democratic Party is what it once was, will buy into it without thought. Sad but true.... traditional America's life hangs in the balance. We are less than 2 months away from determining how deep she is in...


REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 REFLECTIONS OF BEING STRANDED OUT OF THE USA It was a beautiful September morning in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, as it was in New York. I had enjoyed my favorite Mexican breakfast, machaca nortena (eggs & dried beef, jalapenos, more) and papaya. I bade adios to the smiling breakfast cook and waiter, both of whom always made me feel it was very important to serve me. I checked out of the hotel, chatted with the friendly manager, who asked me if I'd return in one week as usual. No, maybe two to three weeks. After going home, I had to go to Scotland to negotiate a contract with SGL Carbon to convert Mann Industries-Grupo Cydsa carbon fiber precursor into carbon fiber for aircraft brakes. Our recent work had been very successful, the outlook positive. The day was good! Until I entered the waiting car and my driver/engineer said a “small plane had hit a New York Trade Center tower”. Soon, as we drove the 25 minutes to our office and factory...

THE ECONOMIC MELTDOWN -- 3 people most responsible, reprinted from Newsmax t

  I am reprintinn this article from Newsmax of today's date in part to justify my pervious post on who and what caused the meltdown of the economy as I try to dispel the dishonest claims of the Obama supporters ...."failed policies of the past." We had a failure, to be sure, but not quite like Obama, Clinton and their shills report. Note the Clinton-Rubin connection and, of course, Larry Summers who followed as Obama's chief economic advisor after losing a Billion plus dollars for Harvard's endowment fund. Note also Gramm and Gramm-Bliley I referred to. This is the first write I have seen with this specificity since the collapse in 2008. HOWEVER, THE AUTHOR LEAVES OUT ONE IMPORTANT PLAYER WHO SIGNED OFF ON THE LEGISLATION AND ISSUED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER THAT LED TO THE EXPLOSION OF SUB-PRIME MORTGAGES FOR THESE BANKERS TO FEED UPON THROUGH FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC....... PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON. JAM, 11 SEPT. 2012. The Three Washington Insiders Who Helped Wall S...


Today Newsmax reports that a top official in Iran has stated that "if Israel strikes Iran, Iran will attack the United States. Hezbollah has been building a base in the "Triple Frontier" of S.America for a dozen years or more. I learned of it while stranded in Mexico during 9/11/2001 and reported it soon thereafter. For inexplicable reasons, the political left refused to believe it. in May 2007, it was finally repofted by Telemundo and NBC by a Robert Wundham. By 2001, more than 12,000 reports were available. In spite of these references, when I reported it again in 2001, a leftist activist in my town still called me a liar. He didn't even look at the references. Now there are >120,000 and Hzbollah is infiltratinn Mexico and the drug traffickers. It is incomprehensible that this could become a political issue with the far left ignoring reality and condemning those of us who have firsthand information. A sign of the times. U;timately, this problem can be charged ...




Click here: The wit and wisdom of Nickelodeon’s Jason Biggs; Updated | Twitchy   If you have the stomach for Jason Biggs' scurrilous, vile comments about Ann Romney, Janna Ryan and other women, go this site and be prepared to be sickened. This clown is on Nickelodeon's children's shows. It is even reported by individuals, but not by major media, that he has spoken of chile rape. This is the ultimate abuse of  "free speech" that has become a mantra an a crutch for abrogating all tenets of moral and ethics. Like it or not this is becoming the image of the once proud Democratic Party and is illustrative of the sub-cultural attitude now pervasive in our nation. Once again, the Democratic Party of my forebearers is no more. It is controlled by these sub-cultural miscreants. Why do I say this. The entertainment industry is a haven for leftist activism and support leftist candidates nearly en mass.

OBAMA'S SPEECHES -- 2012 AND 2008 ARE SAME Obama's speeches of 2012 are the same as 2008. Promises, claims and requests are exactly the same words. He is programmed!


ECONOMY – “FAILED POLICIES OF THE PAST LED TO MELTDOWN” – TRUTH VS. OBAMA'S MANTRA --- ( please go to post “Economy of the '90s, " July 11, 2012,  for other major contributing factors to the economy of the '90s, the Clinton presidency. This article is being posted to give some TRUTH regarding the misleading mantra of President Obama and his supporters about “failed policies of the past"  leading to the economic meltdown in 2008. It is also being posted in anticipation of Bill Clinton's Democratic Convention speech. If his preliminary commentary last week is a measure of what he will say in his keynote or nominating speech, CLINTON WILL MAKE THE SAME CLAIMS in spite of the fact that his executive decision in 1994, with Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin's urging, led to the meltdown of the housing industry....and the general economy. I posted on July 11, 2012, an article I published in 2004 about the major factors that contributed to the good...